Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

ABC's Moran Frets Obama May Not Be Able to Replace Stevens with Equally Liberal Justice

ABC's Terry Moran worried if Obama can "even hold" the liberal ground espoused by Justice Stevens given "today's bitter political climate." He fretted Friday night: "Could a nominee with positions ...

Her ObamaCare Mission Achieved, ABC/CBS Veteran Linda Douglass Departs White House

Linda Douglass, the former ABC News and CBS News Washington correspondent who signed aboard the Obama campaign in May of 2008, is resigning next week from her post as Communications Director for ...

Chris Rock: ObamaCare Opponents Like Those in '60s with 'I Hate Martin Luther King' Hats

Commenting on the new health care law, on Wednesday's Late Show with David Letterman, comedian/actor Chris Rock cracked that ObamaCare opponents remind him of those against civil rights in the ...

Nets Upset by Confederate Proclamation, But Skip Obama Planning to Cleanse 'Islamic' Terminology

Wednesday night ABC and NBC aired segments on controversy over Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell leaving condemnation of slavery out of a proclamation issued last week calling April "Confederate ...

Media Bias a 'Bigger Problem' Than Large Campaign Contributions, Rasmussen Re-Confirms

"Fifty-five percent (55%) of U.S. voters continue to think that media bias is a bigger problem in politics today than big campaign contributions, identical to the finding in August 2008," ...

Thanks to Obama, 'Today American Nuclear Strategy Finally Caught Up with History'

"The Cold War ended more than two decades ago, and today American nuclear strategy finally caught up with history," as the Obama administration has recognized "the greatest threat is no longer ...

NBC Nightly News: Mohammad Ali, Walt Whitman, Annie Oakley and Now...Barack Obama

NBC News is certainly enthralled with David Remnick's new book, 'The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.' After Meet the Press and the Today show, NBC Nightly News on Monday showcased ...

Tapper Sees 'Indictment of Ayn Rand' and Her Faith in 'Laissez-Faire Capitalism'

Invoking the name of objectivist/libertarian writer-philosopher Ayn Rand, hardly a common citation in television news, ABC's Jake Tapper, on Sunday's This Week, confronted former Federal Reserve ...

Time Mag Chief Stengel: Obama a Mandela for the 21st Century, Mandela's 'True Successor'

Time magazine Managing Editor Richard Stengel, who was part of the roundtable on Sunday's Meet the Press, wrote in a new book released on Tuesday: "It is impossible to write about Nelson Mandela ...

Sawyer Champions 'Super-Cop' Regulator as 'Gladiator' Against Health Insurance Industry

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer, who in February demanded to know who will "keep insurance companies from jacking up premiums while making huge profits?", on Friday found her champion in the ...

Enchanted Matthews Holds Up His Own 'Health Reform Is a BFD' T-Shirt

Touting how "the Democratic National Committee has turned a lemon into lemonade," MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Friday afternoon proudly held up a DNC-produced T-shirt which picks up on Joe Biden's ...

'Impressive!' Couric Coos After Obama Sinks a Jump Shot, Smith Frets Over 'Enmity' from Talk Radio

Looks like - hardly a surprise - CBS's Early Show on Friday morning will deliver a jovial and empathetic session with President Barack Obama. Thursday's CBS Evening News previewed Harry Smith's ...

Maher Credits 'Tea Baggers' for Health Care Passage, Palin First to Know About Killing 'Useless' People

Bringing his belittling commentary toward conservatives to a wider audience, on Wednesday's Tonight Show on NBC Bill Maher repeated some of the lines he's spewed in recent weeks on his HBO show ...

On Day of Michelle Obama Garden Photo-Op, CBS Trumpets: 'One Thing That is Already Growing' is Her 'Popularity'

ABC and NBC on Wednesday night managed to contain to a brief item their enthusiasm for First Lady Michelle Obama planting her garden for the season, but not CBS which dedicated a full story to how ...

NBC Nightly News Showcases Devotional Obama as Lauer Cracks: 'Spirituality Meets High-Tech!'

Out of the lengthy interview sessions Matt Lauer conducted with President Barack Obama, Brian Williams decided to highlight on Nightly News only Obama's explanation for "why his family hasn't ...

No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP's Cantor

NBC on Monday night squeezed in a few seconds for the arrest of "a Philadelphia man for threatening the life of the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, Eric Cantor of Virginia." ...

Barbour on ABC: Media's Given Obama 'Longest Wet Kiss in Political History'

On ABC's This Week, Mississippi's Republican Governor, Haley Barbour, quipped: "I am surprised that the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better. I mean, since this thing passed last ...

CNN Convicts Palin and Tea Partiers of 'Inciting Violence' and Stoking Racism

CNN put "INCITING VIOLENCE?" on screen under video of Sarah Palin as anchor Don Lemon announced: "Sarah Palin takes on one of the highest ranking Democrats right in his own backyard, all while ...

Colby King Charges Tea Partiers Are Descendants of George Wallace and David Duke

"Today's Tea Party adherents are George Wallace legacies," the Washington Post's Colby King charged in his weekly Saturday column. "The angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They ...

Crude Maher Urges Democrats to Treat Republicans as Tiger Woods Did His Conquests

In the midst of liberals condemning the tone of anti-Obama conservatives, Bill Maher on Friday pointed to a vulgar and sexually-explicit text message Tiger Woods reportedly sent, which promised ...