Business Articles

Dobbs Knocks Conservative, Business Groups on Wages

CNN anchor lectures opponents of a minimum wage increase.

Media: U.S. Should Throw Billions of Dollars at Global Warming

What will new Congress do? Though emissions-lowering programs have failed around the world, the media continue to embrace plans for more regulation that could crush the American economy.

Trans Fats: Public Health Enemy No. 1?

Media focus on trans fats is misleading and distracts from serious health threats.

Times Gives Coal Company Its Lumps

Energy firm criticized despite building lower-polluting plants that could cut energy costs.

Networks Downplay Strong Pre-election Jobs Report

Networks gave negative news full attention in previous election cycles.

'Today' Show Hypes Bus Injury Study, Giving Support to More Regulation

But reporter Tom Costello left out how studies show seat belts do more harm than good.

ABC Sacks Wal-Mart for Employee Lateness Policy

'Good Morning America' complains about 10-minute grace period, though repeated infractions are necessary to merit reprimand.

CBS's Couric Worries of Job Losses, Dow Slide

'Evening News' anchor forecasted clouds on economic horizon hours before government announced a 5-year low in unemployment.

With Minimum Wage on State Ballots, PBS Pushes Increases

'Now' features worker who makes more than minimum, leaves out facts about economic impact of proposed increases.

Strong Sales Figures from GM, Ford Go Unnoticed

ABC reports, but CBS and NBC ignore sales increases to discuss hormone treatments.

CBS Likens Softening Housing Market to Great Depression

But economists see a stable housing market gaining value in the coming year.

Then and Now, Media Sing Along to Dems' Election Song: 'No Tax Cuts'

The declining deficit has proven tax cuts don't cause a deficit rise. But the media can't hear that above the Democratic election chorus.

CNN Is All Wet When It Comes to Economy

Drip, drip, drip of economic coverage used to attack conservatives, business.

USA Today Pumps Up Inflation Fears, Downplays Strong Wage Growth

But even a liberal pundit quoted in cover story admits middle class better off now than years ago.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

PBS Gives a Hyped View of College Costs

'Nightly Business Report' segment ignored latest figures showing costs on decline.

CNN Keeps Fighting War on Economy

'In the Money' another example of how the network says America beaten.

Profiting Too Much?

'World News Tonight' reporter fusses over Exxon's third-quarter figures.

Days Before Halloween, NBC Treats Real Estate Like Dawn of the Dead

Reporter Carl Quintanilla followed NY Times lead in slamming housing market in a story on Home Depot's changing approach to retail.

CNN's War on the Economy

Leading up to election, network repeatedly tells viewers middle class slipping away, American dream 'impossible.'

Big Tobacco and the Supreme Court: Double Jeopardy, Civil-Style?

This Halloween, the Supreme Court will determine how much plaintiffs can scare up in punitive damages.

CNN's War on the Economy

NBC's 'Today' Raises 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' On Gas Prices

Reporter Quintanilla debunks substance of claim but insists the blog-fueled plot has oil industry, conservatives on defensive.

CBS's Couric Focuses on Troubles at Enron, Ford; Leaves Out Dow Record, Lower Gas Prices

Network's competitors at ABC, NBC reported both Ford losses and strong market close.

NBC's News Flash: Busy Holiday Travel Season Means Higher Airfares

'Today' features travelers who want what they want, when they want it, regardless of market price.

Newsweek Changes Media Climate 31 Years after Global Cooling Story

Magazine admits first article was 'wrong,' but still wasn't 'inaccurate' journalistically.

CBS's Couric All But Ignored Dow's Record 12,011 Close

'Evening News' anchor continues pattern of economic reporting BMI found in latest study

CNN Says End is Near for Middle Class

"In the Money" promo for liberal group reinforces middle-class extinction theories.