Business Articles

ABC Issues Stark Call for More Produce Regulation

Liberal leanings of CSPI, Democratic senator ignored in story favoring bigger government.

Networks Yawn as Natural Gas Plummets

Two-year low in prices and declining heating bills slip by quietly.

In a Fight Between Realtors and the Media, Housing 'Bubble' Wins

NY Times brushes off media's impact but insists on bubble's presence.

World Health Organization Backs Expanded Use of Media-Overlooked DDT

News reports have focused on environmentalist alternatives instead of the most effective method of malaria prevention.

Networks Steer Ford Stories to 'Hard Times,' Ignoring Other Firms on Track

Broadcasters portray an industry running out of gas, but other automakers are doing well in United States.

PBS Feature Claims 'Hurt Feelings' from Layoffs Might Be 'Lethal'

NY Times' Uchitelle says workers' low self-esteem is worse for the economy than the Great Depression.

CNN Calls 'The People' Winners in Calif. Minimum Wage Hike

But anchor Collins and reporter Lisovicz ignored economic evidence to the contrary.

Up in ARMs over Mortgages

BusinessWeek attacks banking and mortgage industries over adjustable rates, while network news warns consumers to pay attention to their loans.

Curses, Foiled Again by Another Oil Conspiracy Theory

CNN's Cafferty claims industry is dropping prices to help Republicans win mid-term elections.

Up in ARMs over Mortgages

NY Times' Warner Shakes Fist at Salt

Reporter who slammed McDonald's Happy Meals and beer ads turns attention to sodium content in food.

Good Morning America Brushes Off Wal-Mart Veto News from Chicago

But Windy City's liberal leaders have huffed and puffed against company for years while suburbs pick up stores, jobs and tax revenue.

NY Times Takes Negative Spin on Gulf Oil Discovery

Reporter laments 'lost' revenue in oil royalties, once falsely compared taxpayers to shareholders in government's oil wealth.

Wall Street Journal Finds Kyoto-Inspired Carbon Trading Hikes Electric Bills for German Consumers

Report contrasts with CBS's earlier cheerleading for a similar plan in California.

CNN 'In the Money' Drops Conspiracy Theory When Interviewing Oil Analyst

Yet a week before, the business news program entertained Jack Cafferty's theory on Republican control of gas prices.

Times Reporter Suggests Conservatives Are Paid For With Wal-Mart Money

But a recent study shows Wal-Mart gave 289 times more money to liberal groups in 2004.

CNN's Romans Bashes Economy with Unbalanced Story

Reporter turns to liberal-activist-on-the-street, says it takes 200 years to get into the middle class.

Earning Freedom: A 9/11 Tribute

Each American owes a debt to those who have given their lives for us. In a time where common ground seems scarce in America, it's up to us to live lives worthy of those sacrifices.

Where Poverty's Rise Ends, Slanted Coverage Continues

Media ignore or downplay income increases and halt in poverty's rise, insisting worker pay is dropping.

NBC Spins Oil Discovery Negatively

Reporter Savidge focuses on complaints from environmental lobby but leaves out NRDC's anti-drilling bent.

USA Today Leaves out Minimum Wage Earner's Liberal Activism

Reporter Armour doesn't tell readers Orlando woman's leadership role in ACORN.

CNN's Cafferty Rehashes Conspiracy Theory on Gas Prices, Elections

'In the Money' crew entertains notion Big Oil dropping prices to boost GOP; co-host Serwer dismisses price drop as a 'blip.'

CBS Cheers Governator's Plan to Terminate Global Warming

But no critics of the regulation or global warming science were included in reporter Blackstone's story.

CBS's Smith: Media Were 'Screaming with Our Hair on Fire' About Gas Prices

Network anchor now notices gas prices are falling, but other colleagues beat him to the punch.

72 Hours after Mourning Death of Wage Growth, Times Notes Wages Up with GDP Growth

New data show wage growth at 7 percent after inflation factored out.

CNN's Velshi Returns to Slamming Insurance Companies

Business reporter leaves out any industry representation. After all, two days earlier he cited an industry spokesman.

Media Workers Unite for Hit Job on Employment

Not to belabor the point, but journalists rarely mention the hundreds of thousands of available positions in nursing, teaching and manufacturing.

Labor Day or Layoff Day?

ABC News leads the charge of bad news for workers, despite low unemployment and industries clamoring for more help.

Labor Day or Layoff Day?