Business Articles

USA Today: Room for Worry in New Study on College Weight Gain

The 'Freshman 15' reported more like the 'Freshman 8,' but reporter Nanci Hellmich focused on complaints from nutritionists about foods offered in college dining halls.

Post Buries OPEC Production Cut Inside Paper

But earlier story on 'Big Oil' conspiracy to slash gas prices was front page in Business just two weeks ago.

The Weather Channel's 'One Degree' of Propaganda

Web site advances global warming activism including 'causes' and 'solutions.'

CNN's Lou Dobbs Beats Election War Drums for Bigger Government

Anchor insists he has a problem with both parties, but his new book and town hall special confirm he favors bigger government to rescue workers "struggling to hold on to the American Dream."

Post Reporter: Gas Prices Are Down, So Why Not Raise Taxes?

Writer Steven Mufson portrays support for higher fuel levies as bipartisan.

NY Times Reporter Debunks Threat of Chinese Cars Sales

Writer Keith Bradsher explains away flood of autos that CNN's Dobbs had predicted.

More Economic Bull from Media Bears

Despite all the good news, 'Goldilocks economy' never just right for network reports.

A Massive Reporting Deficit

CNN Uses Poll Data to Push Show That Slams Economy

Reporters O'Brien, Schneider admit economy's doing well, but tout bad poll numbers to promote Dobbs program.

A Massive Reporting Deficit

Networks harp on federal deficit as a negative while downplaying how it was halved three years ahead of Bush's prediction.

ABC Double-Doses Attack on Private Health Care

Biased coverage in favor of government health care continues on 'World News' while 'Nightline' turns critical eye on Wal-Mart clinics.

ABC Begins Weeklong 'Prescription' for Government Health Care

But USA Today noted public opposition when people learned of high costs.

PBS's Moyers Attacks Big Business on His Environmental Crusade

'Is God Green?' should be titled 'Is God Anti-Business?'

ABC Slams Companies for Donating to Breast Cancer Research

Reporter David Muir cited liberal critic of corporations who also advises women to forego regular mammograms.

NBC's Williams Omits Charge That Bush Cooked the Books

But the 'Nightly News' anchor stuck with a sour note on the government's finances, leaving out near-record revenue growth and suggestions that tax cuts have helped the economy.

'Early Show' Brews Up Hype on Decaf Coffee

New study confirms jolting news: Decaf java has little caffeine content.

'Bad News Bears': Executive Summary

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

'Bad News Bears'

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

In Government's Name: New York Times Bashes Religious Tax Exemptions

Four-day 'In God's Name' series argues churches cheat taxpayers and cities out of money.

NBC Pumps Up Fears of another Dot-Com Bubble

Network turns from housing fears to suggest YouTube purchase is a new dot-com crash waiting to happen.

Econ 101: It Pays to Be Ignorant

Dr. Gary Wolfram explains why it's actually rational to be an uninformed voter.

CNN Heavily Promotes Dobbs and His Idea of 'Class Warfare'

As Election Nears, 'American Morning' host Soledad O'Brien provides a platform to slam Bush tax cuts, free trade.

Networks Overlook 810,000 New Jobs

Weekend news reports leave out huge revision to employment numbers.

ABC Blows Smoke at Audience on Tobacco-on-Film Study

Reporter Nauert left out any critique of study by anti-tobacco advocates who call for R-ratings

Wash. Post Notes Popularity of Gas Price Conspiracy Theories Among General Public

But reporter Steve Mufson left out that some journalists, like CNN's Jack Cafferty, have given credence to the idea.

Networks Overlook Dow Jones at Record High, Strong Retail Sales

One analyst said of robust sales figures that 'everything came together' in September.

Hurricane-Happy Media Not Interested When Forecast Downgraded

Press mostly ignore new prediction of no more major hurricanes in 2006.

USA Today Hypes Risk of Bacteria in Packaged Produce

But reporter buried expert who said the industry does a 'superb' job of cleaning veggies.

Media Ignore OPEC's 'Toying' with Oil Output

Weeks ago, CNN's Jack Cafferty pushed theory that oil company execs were driving prices down.