Head of the George Soros-funded Pacific Institute admitted to releasing documents from the Heartland Institute
that he falsely obtained. The group’s sleazy attack was then promoted
by liberal bloggers and quickly gained steam. The story was picked up by
the New York Times, Politico and other media outlets.
Institute, the group that lied in order to obtain the documents,
received $275,000 from Soros’s Open Society Foundations since 2006. This
vicious attack by the left resulted in the release of information on
the Heartland Institute’s fundraising strategy, budget, and plans to
combat global warming alarmism.
Gleick, president of the Soros-funded Pacific Institute, admitted to releasing the documents himself and offered his apologies. Gleick cited
his frustration with the “ongoing efforts -- often anonymous,
well-funded, and coordinated...
The Soros Project is a collection of original research detailing the substantial influence of liberal billionaire George Soros and other top liberal donors.
It's easy to see George Soros's imprint on most major American left-wing organizations. All you have to do is look at their financial forms. George Soros aids hundreds of left-wing groups in America each year under the auspices of his Open Society Foundations. In just 10 years, Soros has given more than $550 million to liberal organizations in the United States.
And that's really just a beginning. That total represents about 27 percent of the $2 billion given out by the American branches of his Open Society Foundations from 2000 to 2009. (2010 forms are unavailable and Open Society staff uncooperative.) Overall, he has given more than $8 billion to those foundations since they first started in 1993, as an outgrowth of his "open society" charity efforts dating back to 1979. His foundations credit him as having given that money "to support human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education in 70 countries."
According to The New...

George Soros is up to his old tricks again. The "sugar daddy of the legalization movement," as conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer described him, has given more than $31,394,572 to the Drug Policy Alliance, which will host its biennial convention Nov. 2-5 in California to build support for the drug legalization movement. But when the media mention DPA, they either fail to note the Soros connection or fall $30 million short on how much he funded them.

Media coverage of DPA has left out Soros's influence with the group. In the past two years, The New York...
Left-wing financier George Soros is at it again. While he may claim he's not behind the Occupy Wall Street protests, funding from his foundations says otherwise. Soros threw his support behind the movement at a United Nations panel on Oct. 3, 'I can sympathize with their grievances.' But he does more than just sympathize, his foundations funded groups that back the protests and steer their 'progressive' message.
Reuters even posed the question 'Who's behind the Wall St. protests?' on Oct. 13, but downplayed Soros's actual financial involvement. Even though 'Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground,' the story added. But Reuters undersold the connection significantly.
The protesters stand by their claim...
Read Top Journalists that Serve on Soros-Funded Boards
On April 8, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi headlined a Boston conference on ''media reform.'' She was joined by four other congressmen, a senator, two FCC commissioners, a Nobel laureate and numerous liberal journalists.
The 2,500-person event was sponsored by a group called Free Press, one of more than 180 different media-related organizations that receives money from liberal billionaire George Soros.
Soros, who first made a name for himself in investing and currency trading, now makes his name in politics and policy. Since the...
Coverage of the debt battle and ratings downgrade by Soros-funded media outlets followed the standard liberal line. Conservatives are blamed for blocking tax hikes, the ratings agency itself is called unreliable, and increased financial regulations are called for.
Forget the House proposal of Cut Cap and Balance. Further spending cuts aren't even given the time of day among top Soros-funded news sites, unless they are being criticized. Increased taxes are the only option in their world.
Democracy Now!, part of the Soros-funded Media Consortium, called Congress's plan to reduce spending ''a declaration of war on the poor.'' Alternet, an unhinged liberal blog under the Media consortium umbrella, blamed conservatives for ''...
It's been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from for years.
When the anti-American Soros spent $50 million creating the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), he set in motion a major move against the dollar. The billionaire who once crushed the British pound through currency trading openly declared his plans to 'reform the currency system.' In the Machiavellian mind of Soros, the dollar needed to take a back seat and end its stint as the world reserve currency. 'The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it...
You’d think the money man behind an array of left wing organizations wouldn’t need CNN to get out his message about the death and “bankruptcy” of free-market capitalism, but there was left-wing billionaire and financier George Soros on “GPS” Feb.18
Interviewed by Fareed Zakaria, Soros said he disagreed with President Obama’s decision to bail out the banks. Soros would have nationalized them. Soros also advocated for capping CEO pay, and imposing additional taxes on financial transactions and for banks based on size.
Zakaria offered praise for Obama, saying “You can look at any (issue) all by itself, but I think he’s done pretty well and in some ways hasn’t gotten the credit for it because the crisis was averted. So now the Republicans can say ‘there was no problem, we didn’t need to spend all this money.”
Soros agreed, with that assessment, while jabbing at the GOP. “He’s paying a very heavy price for actually saving...
George Soros is a superhero along the lines of Batman and Superman? That's the comparison correspondent John Berman made on Thursday's Good Morning America. The ABC journalist was reporting on a closed door meeting of billionaires that included liberals such as Soros, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss charitable giving, leading ABC to feature a graphic with Turner as Superman and Winfrey as Wonder Woman. [...