The Soros Project is a collection of original research detailing the substantial influence of liberal billionaire George Soros and other top liberal donors.

by: Mike Ciandella | Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - 9:00am

Columbia University helps define the news business. Its School of Journalism is perhaps the foremost institution of its kind in the United States, and its alumni fill the ranks of news organizations. It is also home to the Pulitzer Prize – the top award in the industry. Each May, it graduates a new class and sends a fresh crop of young editors, writers and producers into the field.

Unfortunately, Columbia’s journalism program is not committed to honest journalism. Instead it delivers a one-sided education that celebrates left-wing policies and is overwhelmingly run by liberal journalists, most of whom work for liberal news outlets in addition to their jobs at the school. Sixty-eight percent of the full-time faculty at Columbia University School of Journalism write for explicitly left-wing news outlets. Many of the adjunct faculty and guest lecturers also work for these operations.


by: Julia A. Seymour | Friday, June 14, 2013 - 4:28pm

Ahead of a possible July 1 interest rate hike for federally subsidized student loans, a coalition of liberal and education groups announced a “Social Media Day of Action” to demand congressional intervention.

Of the many groups involved in the twitter and facebook campaign, seven are connected to liberal billionaire George Soros. League of Young Voters, Equal Justice Works, United States Student Association (USSA), Rock the Vote and La Raza put together got $16,344,000 in Soros funding between 2000 and 2010. Two additional groups are indirectly connected to Soros: StudentNation, a project of The Nation which is has been funded by Soros and is part of the Media Consortium, and Campus Progress, part of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress.

Students, legislators, organizers and left-wing celebrities like Sandra Fluke tweeted...

by: Mike Ciandella | Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 5:01pm

On Friday, CNN profiled liberal billionaire George Soros for their “Fast Facts,” calling him “one of the most successful investment financiers in the world” and an “active philanthropist.” The segment failed fail to note his massive contributions to lefty politics, or his calls for an “open society” that sound Orwellian at best.

The CNN profile highlighted key moments from Soros’s life, including his birth, immigration to the U.S. from Hungary, and major financial milestones in his road to becoming one of the wealthiest men on the planet. The only political donation that CNN mentioned at all was $1 million that Soros gave to promote marijuana legalization in California and Arizona.

That didn’t even hint at his vast political influence – even just promoting marijuana legalization. As of 2011, Soros gave more than $31 million to the Drug...

by: Mike Ciandella | Friday, May 17, 2013 - 11:25am

Blame the victim! Twenty-three liberal news operations have taken that strategy about the IRS attack on conservative nonprofits. Fifteen of the 63 members of the left-wing Media Consortium have thrown their support behind the IRS’s investigation. The 15 organizations either wrote or re-posted stories defending the IRS actions.

Another eight liberal outlets, including MSNBC, ran similar stories. Altogether, these outlets have received a combined total of more $14 million dollars from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations since 2000.

The IRS admitted to giving extra scrutiny to applications for nonprofit status from groups with words like “tea party” or “patriot” in their descriptions. After this revelation, at least 25 media outlets ran stories arguing that “The IRS was doing its job,” “the IRS was justified,” and that the only crime the IRS committed was “the sin of political correctness.”

These stories...

by: Mike Ciandella | Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 4:17pm

As IRS efforts targeting politically-conservative groups gained momentum, George Soros-funded liberal groups repeatedly called on the IRS to investigate conservative nonprofit organizations.

While the first reported instances of extra IRS scrutiny for conservative groups began in Cincinnati in March of 2010, the attacks began to pick up steam on a national level soon after Soros-funded groups began firing off letters to the IRS in October of that year - following the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling.

The talking points of these groups then bounced around a carefully created progressive "echo chamber," until they eventually made their way into established media outlets. Key IRS policy changes about how it investigated conservative groups took place soon after it received three separate letters sent by Soros-funded liberal organizations.

Several Soros-funded groups including the Campaign Legal Center, Democracy 21, the Center for Public...

by: Liz Thatcher | Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 12:00pm

Five U.S. gun control groups have received almost $7 million combined from liberal billionaire George Soros, including the most prominent one, the Brady Campaign.

The Soros contributions to these five groups total an astounding $6,727,966 between 2000 and 2011.

The American Bar Association, a liberal group of lawyers, received $4,093,946 from Soros. According to their site, “the ABA believes that lawyers share a special responsibility to help create a just and secure society in which firearms are well-regulated.” President Laurel Bellows urged for more than just background checks back in January, including “full integration of state and local mental heal records into the National Instant Check System” and supported an assault weapons ban.

The most renowned gun control group,...

by: Mike Ciandella | Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 2:37pm

Sachs, a Columbia Professor and former runner-up for the World Bank Presidency nomination, didn’t waste any time in using the tragedy in Newtown, Conn. to promote his already existent pro-gun control campaign.

Since the violence at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut on Dec. 14, Sachs has tweeted 15 original tweets (not including retweets), and written 3 articles for his own website alone ranting for stricter gun control laws.

“Will our twisted, gutless political class ever do anything about gun control? Can any atrocity bring the US to reality?” Sachs tweeted soon after the shootings. In another tweet, Sachs claimed that “Gun lobby foments nonsense that we need unregulated automatic rifles to stop tyranny. Yet most strong democracies have strong gun control.”

Sachs also...

by: Mike Ciandella | Friday, June 22, 2012 - 11:03am

PBS will air “Dollars and Dentists,” a Soros-connected documentary advocating for socialized dental coverage, claiming there is a lack of affordable  dental care endangering the lives of millions of children. A press release and promo for the “Frontline” special, which debuts on June 26, reveals that in addition to the convenient election year timing, the documentary is hyperbolic, and made in conjunction with a group that gets funding from the the left-wing billionaire.

The narrator for the documentary is an outspoken proponent of lefty propaganda and the whole thing is backed by organizations funded, in part, by George Soros. The arguments of “Dollars and Dentists” also closely parallel a...

by: | Monday, June 4, 2012 - 10:36am

Read the Executive Summary

Say the name George Soros and liberals see dollar signs – literally. The world’s 22nd richest man, according to Forbes, is now worth $20 billion. But Soros isn’t just noteworthy for the money he has – he’s notable for the money he has given away. Since launching his Open Society Foundations in 1984, Soros has donated more than $8 billion to charities around the world.

But instead of gaining a mighty reputation for his philanthropy, or his investment prowess, Soros is reviled abroad and criticized here in his adopted country. Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investing have gone, trouble has followed. He’s helped foment revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world. Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary....

by: Dan Gainor | Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 7:56am

George Soros has donated more than $8 billion globally to his Open Society Foundations. Couple that with decades of investing around the world and it would be easy to assume Soros in a figure of global popularity.

Only he isn’t. He’s almost the polar opposite.

Soros made headlines recently warning of increased economic problems, the growth of Occupy Wall Street and government repression what he characterized as “strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order.” In short, the kind of chaos helped foment in the old Soviet Union and elsewhere.

In his book “Open Society,” Soros credits his foundation with “mobilizing civil society” against the government in Slovakia and...