The Best of Notable Quotables; December 20, 1993

Vol. Six; No. 26

The I Am Woman Award (for Hillary Rodham Hero Worshipping)

"As the icon of American womanhood, she is the medium through which the remaining anxieties over feminism are being played out....Perhaps in addition to the other items on her agenda, Hillary Rodham Clinton will define for women that magical spot where the important work of the world and love and children and an inner life all come together. Like Ginger Rogers, she will do everything her partner does, only backward and in high heels, and with what was missing in [Lee] Atwater – a lot of heart.”

Time White House correspondent Margaret Carlson, May 10.


“I saw a Hillary Clinton that I’d never seen before. She was funny, charming, sexy – yes, gang, sexy. We are both Scorpios, which tells you a lot. She’s informal – called me ‘Larry’ and told me to call her by her first name...Meanwhile, she’s earned the respect of everyone (except the wackos) with her handling of the health care issue. Indeed, she has gotten everyone (except the wackos) to agree that we need health care for everyone. This is a very formidable idea, ladies and gentlemen.”

– CNN/Mutual Broadcasting talk show host Larry King on his October 2 interview with the First Lady. October 4 USA Today column.

“She’s ecumenical but prefers Italian and Mexican. The President fixes her eggs with jalapeño peppers on the weekends. One Christmas she served black beans and chili as part of a buffet. She carries Tabasco sauce wherever she goes....Valentine’s Day at the Red Sage restaurant. Even at a romantic outing, the President can be the date from hell, talking to everyone but the girl he brung....Finally alone, they have ‘painted soup’ and the lamb baked in herbed bread. They exchange gifts and touch each other more in two hours than the Bushes did in four years.”

–  Time reporter Margaret Carlson in the June Vanity Fair.

“In the midst of redesigning America’s health care system and replacing Madonna as our leading cult figure, the new First Lady has already begun working on her next project, far more metaphysical and uplifting... She is both impersonal and poignant, with much more depth, intellect and spirituality than we are used to in a politician...She has goals, but they appear to be so huge and far off – grand and noble things twinkling in the distance – that it’s hard to see what she sees.”

Washington Post’s Martha Sherrill, May 4.

“You’ve been working hard already to introduce this plan to people, sell this plan to people. Are you having any fun with this or is it all just hard work? It looks to be very hard work.”
“I hear you talking, and as I have before on this subject, I don’t know of anybody, friend or foe, who isn’t impressed by your grasp of the details of this plan. I’m not surprised because you have been working on it so long and listened to so many people...”

– Dan Rather to Hillary Clinton, after Sept. 22 health speech.