The Best of Notable Quotables; December 21, 1992

Vol. Five; No. 26

Ross Perot Award(for Sensitivity to Criticism)

“My reaction to that button [‘Rather Biased’] and others, in part, is a button I bought yesterday that says ‘Yeah, I’m In The Media, Screw You!’....I do understand why a lot of people are upset with us, why we rank somewhere between terrorists and bank robbers on the approval scale. We do criticize. That’s part of our role. Our role is not just to parrot what people say, it’s to make people think. I think that sometimes I want to say to the electorate ‘Grow up!’”

Newsweek reporter Ginny Carroll on C-SPAN’s Journalists’ Roundtable, August 21.


“I think there are reporters around Clinton who are baby boomers who are drawn to him. I think there are a lot of reporters in Washington who just wish for a new story. But I watch probably as many talk shows, and as many interview shows, what George Bush calls the professional talking heads on Sundays, as anybody else. I actually think the bias, in the overall system, is from the center to the right.”

– PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers on CNN’s Larry King Live, November 2.

“I don’t think there is [a bias] at all. I think anyone who accuses the press of bias is acting in desperation, I think. I think the press has been much more aggressive and fair, in being, in going after both sides, and looking, than ever before.”

– New York Times reporter Richard Berke on CNN’s Larry King Live, October 16.

“I am shocked when people say that [the media were pro-Clinton], I really am. I mean, people forget January and February, when the media was on Clinton’s case with Gennifer Flowers, all the draft stuff. I’m amazed at the public’s selective memory.”

– ABC anchor Carole Simpson at Women of Washington forum shown by C-SPAN, November 10.