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- 2015 NQ Awards Home
- The Obamagasm Award
Ku Klux Con Job Award
for Smearing Conservatives With Phony Racism Charges -
The “What Difference Does It Make” Award
for Denying Hillary’s Scandals - Ruining the Revolution Award
- Damn Those Conservatives Award
The Pantsuit Patrol Award
for Boosting Hillary Clinton -
The Hopeless Haters Award
for Denigrating the Conservative Candidates - Harsh to the Huddled Masses Award
The Audacity of Dopes Award
for the Wackiest Analysis of the Year -
The Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award
for Celebrity Vapidity - Quote of the Year
- 2015 NQ Judges
Media Coverage
In addition to discussions on numerous radio talk shows where hosts cited quotes or interviewed MRC representatives, the Best of NQ Awards issue has been highlighted by these outlets:
- Denver Post, column by Mike Rosen on December 20: "2015's worst progressive propaganda"
- World magazine, by Marvin Olasky, posted on December 22 (Jan. 9, 2016 print publication): "Old every evening: Mainstream media year in review"
- Column by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, in the December 28 Investor's Business Daily, "Worst Reporting and Punditry of 2015" (online Dec. 24); as posted on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.
- Syndicated column by Cal Thomas, as posted on NewsBusters: "Taking Stock of Big Media's March Toward Oblivion"; on, with video commentary: "Will the mainstream media corrupt our country even more in 2016?"
- Charisma News on December 17: "2015's Best Examples of Bad Media Reporting"
- Global Dispatch on December 18: "MRC names Melissa Harris-Perry the Worst of 2015 for offensive 'hard worker' is a racist term"
- Washington Examiner, by Paul Bedard, on December 28: "Top media dopes and their wacky words of 2015"
- CaptolBeatOK, by Patrick McGuigan on January 3, 2016: "The Nation's Best of the Worst Reporting for 2015, from the Media Research Center"
- World magazine, by Marvin Olasky on December 31: "More from our wacky media pundits"
- One America News Network's Tipping Point segment with Ken Shepherd on December 18. Video
- Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends Saturday segment with Rich Noyes on December 19. Video.
- Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg Show segment with Tim Graham on December 22. Video
-'s Bias Bash posted December 28. Video commentary by Cal Thomas: "Top 5 worst examples of media bias in 2015"
- Partial list (not including discussions by hosts without a guest): Interviews with MRC staff include appearances on WBAP (Dallas), KRC (Cincinnati), KPRZ (San Diego), WTMJ (Milwaukee), KFAB (Omaha), WPTF (Raleigh, NC), WQSC (Charleston, SC), WDEL (Wilmington, DE), KVOR (Colorado Springs), WWNC (Asheville, NC), WINA (Charlottesville, VA) and KBAR (Twin Falls, ID)
The “What Difference Does It Make” Award
for Denying Hillary’s Scandals
George Stephanopoulos (63 points)
“As you know, the Clinton campaign says you haven’t produced a shred of evidence that there was any official action as Secretary that supported the interest of donors. We’ve done investigative work here at ABC News, found no proof of any kind of direct action. And an independent government ethics expert, Bill Allison, the Sunlight Foundation, wrote this — he said: ‘There’s no smoking gun. No evidence that she changed a policy based on donations to the foundation. No smoking gun.’ Is there a smoking gun?”
— George Stephanopoulos to Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer on ABC’s This Week, April 26. Two weeks later, Politico revealed that Stephanopoulos had given $75,000 in personal contributions to the Clinton Foundation, a fact he did not disclose before the interview.
Joy Reid (39 points)
“I have been utterly bored with the story to the point where I only recently began to really sort of dig into it....The more I look into it, I think it’s one of those cases where the trailer is really simple, but the movie is kind of too hard to follow....Maybe Hillary Clinton on the cloud was actually somehow safer and more secure than the actual government e-mails? I don’t even understand it.”
— MSNBC national correspondent Joy Reid on All In with Chris Hayes, August 20.
Paula Reid (35 points)
“This particular issue really shouldn’t have any impact on Clinton. The issue of the e-mails has been out there for a long time. This is not a criminal matter. In fact, it’s far from it. If there are any questions about trustworthiness, it comes, maybe, for the New York Times or the Department of Justice.”
— Correspondent Paula Reid on CBS This Morning: Saturday, July 25, discussing the classified e-mails on Clinton’s personal server.
Chris Matthews (32 points)
“Franklin Roosevelt — probably the best President we ever had, certainly in the 20th century — was very secretive and manipulative, and we still thought he was a good President. So if Hillary Clinton is secretive, we know that, is that going to help us get any further here?”
— Host Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball, May 21.