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- 2015 NQ Awards Home
- The Obamagasm Award
Ku Klux Con Job Award
for Smearing Conservatives With Phony Racism Charges -
The “What Difference Does It Make” Award
for Denying Hillary’s Scandals - Ruining the Revolution Award
- Damn Those Conservatives Award
The Pantsuit Patrol Award
for Boosting Hillary Clinton -
The Hopeless Haters Award
for Denigrating the Conservative Candidates - Harsh to the Huddled Masses Award
The Audacity of Dopes Award
for the Wackiest Analysis of the Year -
The Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award
for Celebrity Vapidity - Quote of the Year
- 2015 NQ Judges
Media Coverage
In addition to discussions on numerous radio talk shows where hosts cited quotes or interviewed MRC representatives, the Best of NQ Awards issue has been highlighted by these outlets:
- Denver Post, column by Mike Rosen on December 20: "2015's worst progressive propaganda"
- World magazine, by Marvin Olasky, posted on December 22 (Jan. 9, 2016 print publication): "Old every evening: Mainstream media year in review"
- Column by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham, in the December 28 Investor's Business Daily, "Worst Reporting and Punditry of 2015" (online Dec. 24); as posted on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.
- Syndicated column by Cal Thomas, as posted on NewsBusters: "Taking Stock of Big Media's March Toward Oblivion"; on, with video commentary: "Will the mainstream media corrupt our country even more in 2016?"
- Charisma News on December 17: "2015's Best Examples of Bad Media Reporting"
- Global Dispatch on December 18: "MRC names Melissa Harris-Perry the Worst of 2015 for offensive 'hard worker' is a racist term"
- Washington Examiner, by Paul Bedard, on December 28: "Top media dopes and their wacky words of 2015"
- CaptolBeatOK, by Patrick McGuigan on January 3, 2016: "The Nation's Best of the Worst Reporting for 2015, from the Media Research Center"
- World magazine, by Marvin Olasky on December 31: "More from our wacky media pundits"
- One America News Network's Tipping Point segment with Ken Shepherd on December 18. Video
- Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends Saturday segment with Rich Noyes on December 19. Video.
- Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg Show segment with Tim Graham on December 22. Video
-'s Bias Bash posted December 28. Video commentary by Cal Thomas: "Top 5 worst examples of media bias in 2015"
- Partial list (not including discussions by hosts without a guest): Interviews with MRC staff include appearances on WBAP (Dallas), KRC (Cincinnati), KPRZ (San Diego), WTMJ (Milwaukee), KFAB (Omaha), WPTF (Raleigh, NC), WQSC (Charleston, SC), WDEL (Wilmington, DE), KVOR (Colorado Springs), WWNC (Asheville, NC), WINA (Charlottesville, VA) and KBAR (Twin Falls, ID)
2015 Judges
- Brent H. Baker, MRC's Vice President for Research & Publications; Editor at Large of the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Follow @BrentHBaker - Mark Belling, radio talk show host, WISN-AM in Milwaukee
- L. Brent Bozell III, Founder and President of the Media Research Center
Follow @BrentBozell - Monica Crowley, Ph,D., political and foreign affairs analyst for Fox News; columnist and Online Opinion Editor, Washington Times
Follow @MonicaCrowley - Mark Davis, talk host on KSKY (660 AM The Answer) in Dallas-Ft. Worth and Salem Radio Network; Dallas Morning News columnist
Follow @MarkDavis - Midge Decter, author; Society of Emeritus Trustees for the Heritage Foundation
- Bob Dutko, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, WMUZ in Detroit
- Jim Eason, retired radio talk show host
- Erick Erickson, Editor-in-Chief; radio talk show host on WSB in Atlanta
Follow @EWErickson - Lucianne Goldberg, publisher of media forum
Follow @LucianneLinks - Tim Graham, Executive Editor of the MRC's NewsBusters blog and Director of Media Analysis for the MRC
Follow @TimJGraham - Stephen Hayes, senior writer at The Weekly Standard and panelist on FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier
Follow @stephenfhayes - Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, senior editor of The Federalist
Follow @MZHemingway - Quin Hillyer, contributing editor to National Review
Follow @QuinHillyer - Mark Hyman, commentator, Behind the Headlines, for the Sinclair Broadcast Group
Follow @behindthehead Follow @MarkHyman - Jeff Jacoby, op-ed columnist for the Boston Globe
Follow @Jeff_Jacoby - Cliff Kincaid, Director, Accuracy in Media's Center for Investigative Journalism
- Lars Larson, Portland, Oregon-based talk radio host for Compass Media
Follow @LarsLarsonShow - Mark Larson, radio talk show host, KCBQ-AM 1170; news analyst for KUSI-TV in San Diego
Follow @marklarsonradio - Mark Levin, nationally syndicated radio talk show host; President, Landmark Legal Foundation
Follow @marklevinshow - Jeffrey Lord, blogger for NewsBusters and contributing editor to The American Spectator
Follow @JeffJlpa1 - Seth Mandel, op-ed editor for the New York Post
Follow @SethAMandel - Steve Malzberg, host of The Steve Malzberg Show on NewsmaxTV
Follow @SteveMTalk - Thomas McArdle, senior writer for Investor's Business Daily
Follow @IBD_TMcArdle - Patrick McGuigan, Editor of and The City Sentinel in Oklahoma City
- Vicki McKenna, host, the Vicki Mckenna Show on WIBA in Madison and WISN in Milwaukee
Follow @VickiMcKenna - Rich Noyes, Director of Research, Media Research Center; Senior Editor of the MRC's NewsBusters blog
Follow @RichNoyes - Kate O'Beirne, former Washington Editor of National Review
- Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-Chief of World magazine
Follow @MarvinOlasky - Wladyslaw Pleszczynski, Editorial Director, The American Spectator
- Mike Rosen, radio host at KOA; columnist for the Denver Post
- Tron Simpson, radio host on KVOR in Colorado Springs
Follow @TRONSHOW - James Taranto, editorial board member, The Wall Street Journal and Editor of "Best of the Web Today"
Follow @jamestaranto - Cal Thomas, syndicated and USA Today columnist and Fox News contributor
Follow @CalThomas - Walter E. Williams, professor of economics, George Mason University
Follow @WE_Williams - David Webb, SiriusXM radio talk host; Fox News contributor
Follow @davidwebbshow - Thomas S. Winter, Editor-in-Chief emeritus of Human Events
- Genevieve Wood, Senior Contributor to The Daily Signal
Follow @genevievewood - Martha Zoller, former radio talk show host in Georgia
Follow @MarthaZoller