With "Sharp Words" forming the on-screen graphic, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer on Thursday night championed the domestic gun control argument espoused by a foreign leader trying to shift the blame for ...
Chris Matthews seemed a tad bit concerned about his man Barack Obama, on Thursday's Hardball, as the MSNBC host feared that the President was "too cool for his nasty, heated" enemies like Rush ...
All three broadcast evening newscasts have repeatedly touted, as if it is a valid representation of national sentiment, the "boycott" of Arizona by liberal municipalities such as San Francisco and ...
Last Friday on TV, NPR legal reporter Nina Totenberg twice touted Obama Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as "spectacularly successful." But that was mellow compared to her Tuesday report for ...
MSNBC on Thursday went on the offensive against Republican and Tea Party favorite Rand Paul. In a single day, the cable network devoted 37 minutes over eight segments to implying that the Senate ...
At the end of a joint press conference between President Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Wenesday, CBS White House correspondent Chip Reid attempted to ask Obama a question about ...
Early Show's Harry Smith on Thursday conducted a softball interview with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, allowing the Obama official to pass the oil spill blame to BP. He tossed this easy question ...
ABC, CBS and NBC all showcased a second grader's question to Michelle Obama: "Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn't have papers," but "my mom doesn't have papers." ABC suggested it ...
During Wednesday's 10AM EST hour on MSNBC, Politico's Mike Allen shared his thoughts on Tuesday's electoral results: "Stop the steamroller. The idea the Republicans were automatically going to be ...
Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Wednesday highlighted Rand Paul's primary victory party at a country club as an indicator that he's not a real outsider. After informing the Republican that ...