Shortly before 2 PM CDT, CNN"s Ed Henry cited a dismissive remark President Barack Obama made during his visit to Louisiana which could undermine his "I feel your pain" message, "but," Henry ...
The White House press corps just loved President Obama's press conference anecdote ("When I woke up this morning, and I'm shaving and Malia knocks on my bathroom door and she peeks in her head and ...
The White House press corps just loved President Obama's press conference anecdote ("When I woke up this morning, and I'm shaving and Malia knocks on my bathroom door and she peeks in her head and ...
Both Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd were taken aback by Barack Obama delivering a "personal connection moment" in today's press conference when he told reporters that his daughter Malia asked him: ...
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Thursday attempted to critique Barack Obama's handling of the oil spill, but felt it necessary to point out how "intellectual" and "focused" the administration usually is.
At Thursday's press conf, Helen Thomas came through with one of her usual crackpot rants ' with a dose of Bush-bashing mixed in: "When are you going to get out of Afghanistan? Why are we ...
NBC's Natalie Morales, on Wednesday's Today show, introduced Telemundo's Maria Celeste Arraras to tell the story of a South Florida family that has been separated by immigration laws in a segment ...
CNN's Anderson Cooper first defended the Obama administration's initial response to the Gulf oil leak and then criticized him from the left on Tuesday's AC360: "A month ago, it seemed like the ...
James Carville appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America to condemn Barack Obama's response to the oil spill. George Stephanopoulos seemed taken aback by the intensity of his fellow Democrat ...
The Washington press corps "have only themselves to blame" for President Obama refusing to answer their questions at White House events, Washington Examiner's Byron York contended. "Obama treats ...