
CNN's Don Lemon Acts as Helen Thomas Apologist in Fleischer Interview

CNN anchor Don Lemon repeatedly defended rabidly anti-Israel columnist Helen Thomas as he interviewed Ari Fleischer late in the 7 pm Eastern hour of Sunday's Newsroom. After playing Thomas's ...

Former Clinton Aide George Stephanopoulos Touts Sex Scandal Rumors Against Nikki Haley

ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Monday touted allegations about a supposed affair between Republican Nikki Haley and a lobbyist. Recounting the details of the charges leveled against the ...

ABC News's Deputy Political Director Jumps to Left-Wing Union, the 15th Obama Activist Through the Media's Revolving Door (Updated)

The number of major media journalists who have joined the Obama administration (or now an aligned union) - is up to 15 with the news late last week that Teddy Davis, Deputy Political Director for ...

Inane Image of the Weekend? ABC Features Woman in Bikini Wearing a Gas Mask on Alabama Beach

ABC News found a picture they couldn't resist showcasing, no matter how much it exaggerates the dangers from the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Both Good Morning America and World News on Sunday ...

Huffington on ABC's This Week: 'Absolutely a Thousand Percent Bush-Cheney's Fault'

"Sooner or later, we'll blame this on George W. Bush," George Will presciently predicted on Sunday's Week during the roundtable's look as how President Barack Obama is handling the gulf oil leak. ...

Helen Thomas: Israeli Jews Should 'Go Home' to Germany; Long List of Liberal Eruptions

Longtime White House correspondent Helen Thomas was captured on video telling an interviewer that Israeli Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home" to Germany and Poland. Thomas ...

Limbaugh Wedding Vicodin, Reagan Only 'Acted' Like a President, Maher Defends Palin But Yearns for More Gore

I watch HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher so you don't have to. The most-noteworthy vitriol from Friday night's show that I tweeted last night - seven quotes, in sequence, you can read in less than ...

CBS Feigns Concern for How Tea Party Candidates Are Detriment to Republicans

"Up next, why some Republicans are starting to wish the Tea Party was over," Katie Couric teased Friday night as CBS feigned concern over how Tea Party candidates are too "extreme" to win. CBS's ...

Linda Greenhouse's 'Feelings of Relief and Joy' on Souter's Apparent Attack on Justice Scalia

The New York Times' former Supreme Court reporter floats away on a David Souter-powered steamcloud of joy, listening to the retired Supreme Court justice's Harvard address criticizing the judicial ...

CBS's Schieffer: If Oil Leak Plugged, White House Job Scandals Will 'Go Away'

On Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer argued that if the Gulf oil spill could be stopped, the scandal of the Obama administration offering jobs to Democratic senate ...
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