Things must really be going bad for Barack Obama if the likes of longtime liberal journalists Mark Halperin and Jonathan Alter are comparing him to that glorious failure of a president - Jimmy ...
CNN's Larry King completely left out the major topic of the White House's continuing obfuscation on the Sestak and Romanoff controversies and barely mentioned the economy during his interview of ...
On Thursday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Jan Crawford recounted memos that show Elena Kagan has a history of taking solidly liberal positions on several issues: "Documents buried in Thurgood ...
On Wednesday's Joy Behar Show, HLN host Behar defended Joe McGuinniss's claim that Sarah Palin had used "Nazi" tactics against him, and suggested that Palin made her children into targets by ...
A study advocating cost-cutting of "wasteful" health-care spending, hailed by New York Times reporters for over two years, is revealed as grievously flawed: "The mistaken belief that the Dartmouth ...
In what was a twist of "Blame America First" attitude into one of "Blame Men First" both NBC's Andrea Mitchell and Newsweek's Evan Thomas, on Thursday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, used pop ...
In an interview on the Thursday with the Mediaite website, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams claimed the media would show more compassion and attention to the oil spill than Team Obama. But ...
American lawyers who represent captured terrorists are simply fulfilling their duty to provide representation, it is often argued by those who seem to enjoy mucking up efforts to curtail future ...
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Pentagon correspondent David Martin reported on the United Nations criticizing U.S. drone attacks against terrorists: "Philip Alston is author of a new U.N. report ...
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer, who describes herself as a preacher's daughter, suggested that the "JC" cartoon planned for Comedy Central might be "more like a Sunday School lesson" than blasphemy.