
Nets Dig Out 'Plug the Damn Hole' Quote to Buck Up 'Frustrated' Obama's Credibility on Oil Spill

CBS and NBC on Tuesday night reached deep into a Washington Post story ' specifically, the 20th paragraph of a 24-paragraph article ' to pluck out a quote in order to demonstrate a "frustrated" ...

Washington Post Assigns Limbaugh Book Review to Rush-Hating David Frum

The new book on Rush Limbaugh by Zev Chafets drew a book review in The Washington Post - by David Frum, the GOP establishment's favorite Rush hater.

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Knocks Texas Conservatives for New Textbooks: 'Education by Wikipedia?'

MSNBC's Chuck Todd on Tuesday attacked new standards being adopted for history textbooks in Texas as "odd" and mocked that the state would now be teaching "education by Wikipedia." Evan Smith of ...

NBC's Curry Confuses Colleges In Commencement Speech, Gets Lost On Today Show Set

Today show co-anchor and Dateline correspondent Ann Curry delivered a commencement address to students at Wheaton College in Massachusetts over the weekend and attempted to honor that ...

NYT Critic Accuses Author of Limbaugh Bio of 'Stockholm Syndrome'

New York Times critic Janet Maslin harshly accused journalist Zev Chafets of exhibiting "Stockholm syndrome" for his failure to lambast Rush Limbaugh in his new biography of the talk radio giant.

CBS's Schieffer Grills GOP Senator on Rand Paul, Soft on Sestak Being Offered White House Bribe

On Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer interrogated Republican Senator Lamar Alexander on GOP senate nominee Rand Paul: "Can you see yourself supporting a candidate who takes those ...

CNN Spins Arizona's English Ed. Standard as Accent 'Crackdown,' 'Ban'

CNN did its part to perpetuate the liberal talking point about Arizona's supposedly racist campaign against illegal immigrants by airing a report three times on Monday that spun the state's ...

Couric Includes George Allen 'Macaca Moment' in Top Five Moments of 'Citizen Journalism' on YouTube

In a video celebrating the five-year anniversary of YouTube, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric listed what she thought were the top five examples of "citizen journalism" on the video sharing ...

NBC's Vieira Congratulates Tax Hikers for Their 'Courage'

NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Monday's Today show, gave Caroline Kennedy her annual spot on the air to honor the latest liberal heroes to win the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, this year ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Fawns Over Democrat Caroline Kennedy's Award for Tax Hikes

Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos gushed over well known Democrat Caroline Kennedy on Monday as she touted the latest recipients of the Profile in Courage Award. ...
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