
Former Dem Aide Stephanopoulos Lectures James O'Keefe: 'You're More of a Political Activist Than a Journalist'

Former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos lectured James O'Keefe on Tuesday, deriding, "And some of your critics say that you're more of a political activist than a ...

On Today Show, Palin Stalker McGinniss Compares Her to Nazis

NBC's Matt Lauer invited on author and new Sarah Palin stalker/neighbor Joe McGinniss to defend his moving in next to the Palin residence in Wasilla, Alaska, on Tuesday's Today show, and the ...

Alter Regrets 'We Didn't Show Up' for Obama, Obama as 'Jesus in the White House'?

Three noteworthy quotes from journalists I tweeted over the holiday weekend: Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, author of the 'The Promise: President Obama, Year One,' on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher ...

ABC's Hubbard Highlights Supporters of New Arizona Immigration Law

On Sunday's Good Morning America, ABC correspondent Jeremy Hubbard gave an unusual amount of time to those who support the Arizona law as he highlighted protesters rallying to oppose the boycott ...

ABC Frets Obama's 'Pro-Peace Efforts & Statements' Are 'Overshadowed' by Israeli Raid

On ABC's World News, correspondent Jim Sciutto fretted that the recent Israeli naval raid will undermine President Obama's "pro-peace efforts" toward the Muslim world: "A public outpouring like ...

ABC's Chutzpah: Scolds Congress for 'Pay-Go' Spending When It Made Jim Bunning an Ogre for Trying to Block It

Three months after the networks, led by ABC's Jonathan Karl, derided Senator Jim Bunning for daring to hold up an "emergency" spending bill which circumvented the "pay as you go" rules, on ...

CBS Touts Grayson's Push for Legally Mandated Paid Vacation, Looks to Europe for Guidance

On CBS's Sunday Morning show, correspondent Jim Axelrod filed a report touting the movement to make it legally required that some employers provide paid vacation time to their employees, even ...

Time's Joe Klein: Oil Spill is 'Bush's Second Katrina,' 'Republicans Look Worse Than Democrats'

On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Time magazine's Joe Klein blamed the Gulf oil spill on the Bush administration, asserting that "this is more Bush's second Katrina than Obama's first," ...

ABC and NBC Champion Illegal Alien Cause: 'Will an Army of Protesters Be Heard?'

Another pro-illegal alien protest and, once again, the networks champion the cause. "Day of outrage, anger on the streets of Phoenix and across this country tonight," ABC anchor David Muir ...

Margaret Carlson Despairs that After Bush-Cheney Big Oil is 'Too Big to Regulate'

"Eight years of the Bush-Cheney administration removing regulations" has made it so "now the oil industry is too big to regulate," former Time magazine Deputy Washington Bureau Chief Margaret ...
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