
ABC's Stephanopoulos Lobbs Softballs to Gibbs; CBS and NBC Provide Challenge

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made the rounds on the network morning shows on Tuesday, ahead of President Obama's prime time Oval Office address on the Gulf oil spill. While he had ...

Nets Skip Democratic Rep's Street Scuffle; ABC Pounced on Fiorina's Catty Hair Crack

None of the three broadcast evening newscasts had even a few seconds last night for video of Democrat Bob Etheridge physically grabbing an unidentified student attempting to ask him a question. ...

White House Correspondents Chief Jumps to Left-Wing Group - One Outside of Journalism, That Is

The current President of the White House Correspondents' Association, Ed Chen, is leaving Bloomberg News to lend his liberal advocacy to the left-wing Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). ...

Matthews Exclaims 'Tea Partier Declares War!' Warns of Movement's 'Lock and Load Mentality'

Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, claimed that a Tea Party candidate, in his new ad, had just declared war and warned this was an example of the "lock and load mentality" of "the Tea Party folk."

On Hardball: Obama Too Cautious About Exerting His Power

Newsweek's Howard Fineman, on Monday's Hardball, pushed Barack Obama to "overdo" and "overstep" in his efforts to get BP to plug the leak and stop the oil spill in the Gulf, something Fineman ...

MSNBC on Etheridge Assault: An 'Ambush Interview,' GOP 'Set Up'

In the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall did a news brief on Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge assaulting two students attempting to ask him a question last week, proclaiming: "...there ...

NY Times Leaves Mao's Atrocities Out of Obituary for Physicist Turned Maoist Joan Hinton

The Washington Post headline: "Joan Hinton, worked on Manhattan Project and became devoted Mao follower, dies at 88." The New York Times headline: "Joan Hinton, 88, Physicist Who Chose China Over ...

Chris Matthews To Charlie Rose: Bill Clinton Is a Hit In 'Culturally Conservative' Areas

MSNBC's Chris Matthews acted like Bill Clinton's impeachment never happened in an interview on the Charlie Rose show on PBS on June 10, claiming Clinton should be sent to "culturally conservative ...

Network News Shows Largely Skip President's $50 Billion Spending Request

The network morning and evening news shows have all but ignored President Obama's Saturday letter to congressional leaders asking for $50 billion in additional spending to prevent the "massive ...

MSNBC's Scarborough Insults GOP as 'Genuinely Stupid' for Criticizing Obama's Oil Spill Response

Ad hominem attacks supplanted thoughtful discussion yet again on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." On Monday, co-host Joe Scarborough chastised Republicans as "genuinely stupid" for criticizing President ...
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