On Wednesday's Today show, NBC's Chuck Todd touted President Obama's "swiftness" in dealing with the controversy surrounding General Stanley McChrystal comments in Rolling Stone magazine as a ...
All three morning shows on Thursday ignored allegations of "unwanted sexual contact" by Al Gore against a woman in 2006. This is despite the fact that the claim was reported by the AP, the New ...
NBC's Brian Williams and Savannah Guthrie lamented the public's swing against Obama as Williams attributed it to how Obama "had to touch" the gulf oil leak, "he had to own it and now he's getting ...
NBC's Today show on Wednesday refreshingly brought on a conservative guest who ripped the Obama administration's management of the war in Afghanistan. Daniel Goure of the Lexington Institute ...
President Obama's decision to relieve General Stanley McChrystal of command in Afghanistan and replace him with General David Petraeus was met with a chorus of praise in the media, as anchors and ...
All three network news shows on Tuesday skipped a report that eight of 15 experts consulted by the Obama administration opposed the government's plan to halt deepwater oil drilling for six months. ...
ABC's Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos despaired over the position in which General McChrystal has put Obama. Sawyer fretted that Obama "now faces a mind-boggling choice," before ...
New York Times reporter Randal Archibold cites FBI crime statistics in Arizona to accuse immigration enforcement advocates of stirring up irrational fear of violent crime on the Arizona-Mexico ...
Good Morning America on Tuesday skipped the news that Peter Orszag, Barack Obama's budget director, is resigning from the White House. Perhaps not coincidentally, Orszag is also the fiance of ...
Katie Couric opened Monday's CBS Evening News by touting how "in a CBS News/New York Times poll out tonight, 43 percent of Americans approve of President Obama's handling of the spill. Only 13 ...