The "deeply polarized confirmation process in the Senate" has "undercut Obama's effort to significantly infuse the federal courts with more women and minorities," USA Today's Joan Biskupic fretted ...
CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger returned to her roots as a slanted journalist on Wednesday's Newsroom with a glowing two-part report on Ted Olson and David Boies, the former rivals in ...
ABC's Sam Champion presented Gulf coast reaction to President Obama's oil spill speech, and surprisingly found three critics and no outright defenders. Back in 2005, ABC's correspondent seemed ...
On a special edition of Tuesday's Countdown show on MSNBC which aired after President Obama's address to the nation, the panel of Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman were not ...
Confirming her membership in Manhattan's liberal elite, Katie Couric boasted on Tuesday's Late Show that she's realized she "should" buy a Toyota Prius, the favorite of conspicuously superior ...
President Obama's Oval Office address certainly impressed George Stephanopoulos. "What struck me tonight," he informed Diane Sawyer, is: "Oval Office addresses are often used when the nation is at ...
If Chris Matthews' preview, on Tuesday's Hardball, of his heavily promoted MSNBC documentary Rise of the New Right, is an indicator of what his special will be like expect a lot of rehashing of ...
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Politico columnist Roger Simon described a recent interview with President Obama: "...he showed a genuine irritation....when people like ...
After wondering on Friday if President Obama should help push energy legislation through Congress, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell continued her cheerleading for a new energy agenda on Monday. On her ...
A Rasmussen survey finds most Americans (51%) say the average reporter is more liberal than they are, and nearly as many (48%) think the media are "are trying to help" pass President Obama's ...