When President Bush nominated John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court in 2005, the media did not hesitate to describe both men as "very conservative," but when President Obama nominated ...
On the syndicated Chris Matthews show over the weekend, Chris Matthews praised Barack Obama for earning another "big feather" in his cap for getting his Wall Street reform bill passed and asked ...
The Monday morning shows on CBS, ABC, and NBC all worked to portray President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as a moderate and open-minded legal scholar, downplaying her liberal views. ...
Based on the view of a single economist, ABC portrayed the agreement by world powers, at the G-20 summit in Toronto, to pursue fiscal sanity over the accelerated government spending urged by ...
Lara Logan, CBS's chief foreign affairs correspondent, took to CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday to accuse Michael Hastings of using subterfuge and Rolling Stone of pushing an agenda in their hit ...
New York Times movie critic Stephen Holden on Oliver Stone's new documentary on left-wing leaders in Latin America, including dictator Hugo Chavez of Venezuela: "Mr. Chávez comes across as a ...
On NBC's Today on Friday, White House correspondent Chuck Todd preemptively dismissed any criticism of President Obama referring to "Twitters" during a joint press conference with Russian ...
Demonstrating that no setback for Sarah Palin is too insignificant for Katie Couric, she made time on Thursday's CBS Evening News for a disputable technical violation of arcane law: "One little ...
A New York Times reporter provides a roll call of D.C. liberal pundits in love with the Politics & Prose bookstore, but never notes the store's deep-blue-hue and previous snubbing of ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday hyped Barack Obama's handling of the decision to fire General Stanley McChrystal and replace him with David Petraeus, lauding the action as ...