On the June 20th edition of Sunday Morning, CBS reporter Richard Schlesinger conducted a glowing interview with pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, lauding him as someone who speaks with "moral authority" ...
New York Times ethics columnist Randy Cohen asks: "...how does it defame a person to call him a 'socialist' (outside of nutty far-right circles) - a set of ideas many advanced Western democracies ...
All three morning shows on Monday railed against BP CEO Tony Hayward for attending a yachting race in England on Saturday, but they found no such anger for Barack Obama's golf outing on the same ...
Network anchors can't resist misconstruing Arizona's upcoming immigration enforcement law. The latest instances came Friday night when Diane Sawyer erroneously described the anti-illegal ...
The Washington Post's Colbert I. King is a regular TV commentator and a Pulitzer prize winner, but the column he churned out for Saturday's paper amounted to little more than a lazy ad hominem ...
On Friday's Good Morning America on ABC, White House correspondent Jake Tapper described White House reaction to Republican Congressman Joe Barton calling BP's $20 billion escrow fund the result ...
New York Times journalist Pamela Paul on conservatism (?) in exile: "...this was more a bunkering of the conservative intellectual elite, a group that domineered its way through the Bush years but ...
On Thursday's Good Morning America on ABC, co-host George Stephanopoulos laid blame on BP and Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen for mishandling the Gulf oil spill response but depicted the Obama ...
On Wednesday's World News, ABC's Dan Harris decried the U.S. government for failing to back a solar panel manufacturer, as if "congressional staffers, lawyers and lobbyists" were the only route ...
The "deeply polarized confirmation process in the Senate" has "undercut Obama's effort to significantly infuse the federal courts with more women and minorities," USA Today's Joan Biskupic fretted ...