On his first day as the new co-host of Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos lobbied for a windfall profits tax on bankers. Also on Monday's show, White House advisor David Axelrod reminded ...
In "sharing my do's and don'ts" as a journalist, Washington Post humor columnist Gene Weingarten found good fodder in the presumption journalists are out to help liberals and Democrats while ...
Network journalists who were quick to see racists amongst the "tea party" protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the "climate justice" march in Copenhagen whose cause they ...
On the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, as he ended with words of praise for Morgan Freeman's latest film, Invictus, and its depiction of Nelson Mandela uniting blacks and whites in South Africa, ...
CNN's Jack Cafferty all but endorsed a global version of China's oppressive one-child policy on Friday's Situation Room. He repeated the argument of Canadian journalist Diane Francis, that ...
In an interview with actor Matt Damon on Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith discussed the star's role in a liberal documentary on American history: "'The People Speak,' based on one of ...
NBC's Brian Williams took time Thursday night to show video a statue of President Barack Obama at age 10, then known as Barry, being unveiled in Jakarta, near where he attended school. "The statue ...
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times dismissed the ClimateGate scandal during an interview on Thursday's Situation Room on CNN, labeling it "nonsense" and an "idiot debate." Anchor Wolf Blitzer ...
Barack Obama as an idea marks an evolutionary flash point for humanity," gushed actor Will Smith, who will co-host Friday's Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo. His idealization of Obama came during ...
CNN's Christiane Amanpour lashed out at the widespread criticism of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama on Thursday's American Morning: "Can I just say, I think it's overdone, ...