
Matthews Goes on Tear Against Term 'Homeland'

Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, admonished one of his panelists, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks, for using the term "homeland," because "it sounds like Russia," and worried ...

ClimateGate Held Hostage: Day 14

Yet again the Thursday network evening newscasts on NBC, ABC, and CBS failed to cover the ClimateGate scandal. However, ABC World News did manage to devote a two minute story to the release of ...

CNN's Sanchez Fairly Moderates Debate Over Climate Change

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez fairly moderated a debate between glacier photographer James Balog and Marc Morano of on Thursday's Newsroom about the issue of climate change. Sanchez did ...

NBC's Dr. Nancy Hypes New Obama Policy on Stem Cells on Today

NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman, on Thursday's Today, couldn't let a segment on advances in cerebral palsy treatments go without tipping her hat to the Obama administration's change in stem cell policy. ...

ABC and NBC Grill Obama Official On Security Breach, CBS Takes A Pass

While ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today questioned Obama White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett on the breach of security at last week's state dinner, her appearance was conspicuously ...

Brian Williams Loves the Lefty Humor of 'Indispensable' Jon Stewart: How Did We Live Without Him?

On, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams absolutely gushed over the lefty comedy of the "indispensable" Jon Stewart. The post, which was promoted in the December 7, 2009 edition of ...

Matthews Apologizes for West Point 'Enemy Camp' Slur, Then Interviews Marine-Slandering Murtha

Talk about taking one step forward and two steps back. Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, opened the show by offering an apology to members of the military and their families for his ...

CBS Again Downplays Obama Administration Role in WH Security Breach

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Bianca Solorzano reported on the couple who snuck into the White House state dinner, but avoided fully explaining the role a Pentagon official played ...

Jack Cafferty Highlights ClimateGate, Reads E-mails Doubting Warming

Jack Cafferty went above and beyond many of his colleagues in the media by highlighting the ClimateGate scandal on Wednesday's Situation Room. He presented both sides of the controversy, noting ...

Networks Briefly Note Dem Mayor's Conviction, Yet Ignored Her Trial

Imagine if you will that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin was accused of taking gift cards donated to her office for redistribution to needy constituents and using them instead for a personal ...
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