MSNBC host Chris Matthews strongly objected to Cheney's declarations on Fox News that offering 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Muhammad a courtroom forum is giving "aid and comfort to the enemy." ...
Good Morning America weatherman and global warming alarmist Sam Champion asserted on Twitter that ClimateGate is "not reportable as such." This analyst queried him on the site about why the ...
Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, cast Barack Obama in the role of savior of the neo-cons as he pondered if the President's Nobel Peace Prize speech could, "Lead those neo-cons...out of the ...
On Thursday's Good Morning America, it was announced that news anchor Chris Cuomo would be leaving the program and taking over as co-host of 20/20. Since joining ABC in 1999, the journalist has ...
ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy ...
Thursday morning, ABC News is expected to announce that former Clinton campaign operative George Stephanopoulos will start Monday as co-anchor of ABC's Good Morning America. One yardstick for ...
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday used the very loaded term of "denier" to deride global warming skeptics. Talking to liberal host Rachel Maddow, she referenced Sarah Palin's opposition to the ...
CBS and NBC on Tuesday nightly eagerly pounced on the latest UN pronouncement about a warming world. NBC's Brian Williams touted "a big headline from that climate meeting going on in Copenhagen. ...
On Tuesday, the Washington Post's Health Science section was headed by a story contending global warming skeptics need a psychologist. David Fahrenthold's piece was headlined: "It's natural to ...