
NY Times Science Writer Blasts 'Smug Groupthink' Among Climategate Scientists

Unpredictable New York Times science columnist John Tierney reads the hacked Climate-gate emails and finds "smug groupthink" and revenge plots "against those who question the dangers of global ...

Blood-for-Oil Allegation Leads a NY Times News Story from Iraq

On Tuesday, New York Times reporter Timothy Williams led his story from Baghdad, "Now With Foothold in Iraq, Oil Companies Look to the Future" with a "blood for oil" accusation the hard left has ...

ABC's Sawyer Hits Gibbs from Left: This is the Last Time You'll Ask for Troops, Right?

Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer on Tuesday badgered Robert Gibbs from the left, quizzing the White House press secretary about Democratic resistance to a troop surge in Afghanistan. She ...

Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Names Abu Ghraib 'Startling Scoop' of the Decade

Writing for Newsweek magazine's feature on the top ten "startling scoops" of the past ten years, ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather identified the most shocking: "Abu Ghraib has opened our ...

Rove Fires Back at Lauer Charge That Bush Administration 'Took Its Eye Off the Ball' in Afghanistan

Previewing the President's speech tonight, NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Karl Rove, on Tuesday's Today show, and pressed the former White House senior adviser if the reason Afghanistan still ...

ABC's David Wright Slams 'Fancy' Sarah Palin for 'Traveling in Style,' Flying on Private Jet

ABC's David Wright again attacked Sarah Palin on Tuesday, slamming her for using a private jet for her book tour. On Good Morning America, he sniped, "But, while her fans camped out in the bitter ...

Couric Heralds Obama's 'Historic Week in an Already Historic Year'

Serving as a stenographer to Obama operatives trying to magnify the import of the President's schedule, Katie Couric trumpeted: "White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says this will be an ...

In Poll on the State of the GOP, Wash Post Buries Anger Over Liberal Bias in Paragraph 36

In a 10,500 word story on the state of the Republican Party, Washington Post writers on Monday waited until paragraph 36 of a 37 paragraph article to highlight the overwhelming belief that the ...

60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll Asks If Obama Should Be Added to Mt. Rushmore

The first question in a poll conducted by CBS's 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair magazine asked Americans to nominate a fifth face for Mt. Rushmore and included Barack Obama among the contenders. While ...

CBS's Face the Nation Worries 'Moderates' Excluded from GOP in 'Suicide Pact'

CBS devoted half of Sunday's Face the Nation to the pressing question of "divisions within the Republican Party: Is there room for moderates?" Fill-in host Harry Smith posed loaded questions, such ...
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