On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez pressed Republican Senator Lamar Alexander on the GOP's opposition to ObamaCare: "...there's been a lot of criticism that Republicans have done ...
NBC's Anne Thompson, on Monday's Today, covered the Climategate story only to essentially dismiss it in a nothing-to-see here, move along fashion. CBS's The Early Show had a brief mention of it, ...
More than two weeks after ClimateGate broke, ABC's World News finally got around to mentioning it Sunday evening, but not to explore how the e-mails discredited leading scientists who insist ...
On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN's Howard Kurtz brought up the scarcity of media attention paid to the revelation that high-profile Democratic Senator Max Baucus nominated his girlfriend to be a ...
ABC's Good Morning America maintained its blackout on ClimateGate this weekend, even as Sunday's show previewed the Copenhagen climate summit. Reporter Clayton Sandell showcased two scientists, ...
Before the Democratic primary vote on Tuesday in Massachusetts to replace the late Senator Ted Kennedy, a chance to catch up with how historian Doris Kearns Goodwin - a favorite of NBC News - ...
NBC Nightly News on Friday night became the first broadcast network morning or evening news program to inform viewers about "ClimateGate," but only in the most cursory manner as Anne Thompson ...
Responding to President Obama criticizing media coverage of the White House jobs summit, on Friday's Hardball on MSNBC, host Chris Matthews wondered why the President wasn't more appreciative of ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about all the problems facing President Obama: "it was Afghanistan, now it's jobs...healthcare....Do you ...
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on Friday aggressively took on the subject of ClimateGate, informing a global warming scientist that the "perceived integrity of what you are saying is diminished by ...