
False "Moderation" from Legal Reporter Neil Lewis

With the first judicial pick of the Obama administration, the Times carries on its tradition of calling liberal judges (like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) "moderate."

Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah?

Kirk Johnson sees the death of conservatism in the repeal of a Utah liquor law and celebrates the state's moderate GOP governor Jon Huntsman Jr.

Hillary's Replacement Still Too Conservative for Liberal Times Reporters

Another day, another analysis of New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's former "white and rural district" and her "100 percent rating" from the NRA. Did the Times care about Hillary Clinton's 100 ...

Neil Lewis's Reporting on Court Packed With Bias

Neil Lewis's latest slanted story on "conservative" judges vs. Obama's non-ideological ones: Conservatives want to "roll back affirmative action" and are "restrictive of abortion rights" and "less ...

Condescension at the Passing of Radio Legend Paul Harvey

The Times' obituary reduces the radio legend to his conservative politics: "A man who provided his own spin (from the right) on the news."

So Hamas and Hezbollah Aren't Terrorist Groups?

Truth hurts? In Cairo, reporter Michael Slackman frets that "the public is outraged that Hamas is labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, while Israel is treated as a close friend."

Times "Ridicules" Pentagon Report Saying No Mistreatment at Gitmo

The Times can't accept the fact that Guantanamo Bay may not be inhumane: "...detainees' lawyers and human rights groups ridiculed the 85-page report that the official, Adm. Patrick M. Walsh, sent ...

Jabbing at Conservative Catholic Church in Profile of "Obedient Soldier of Rome"

New York's new Archbishop Timothy Dolan is also a "genial enforcer of Rome's ever more conservative writ," according to reporter Michael Powell.

Splitting the GOP, One Label-Heavy Front-Page Story at a Time

Today's story marks the second front-page story in six days on the ideological split between the Republican Congress and Republican governors over Obama's "stimulus package."

Israeli Election Coverage Strewn With Unflattering "Far Right" Labels

Two weeks ago Executive Editor Bill Keller said such labeling in Israel coverage could be a sign of biased journalism.
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