
NY Sen. Gillibrand Too Conservative for the Times' Taste

Michael Powell rolls out the "verys" to make Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand some kind of conservative threat to New York State: "Since Gov. David A. Paterson announced her appointment on Friday, she has ...

Texas Legislature's "Archconservative Speaker" Ousted, Times Relieved

Thank goodness: In the Texas legislature, the "archconservative speaker" has been ousted in favor of a Republican "who has not toed the conservative line on issues like abortion and gay rights."

"Hardline," "Far-Right-Wing Government" on Rise in Israel

Isabel Kershner takes the political temperature in Jerusalem after the incursion into Gaza, and seems displeased with the results.

Michelle Obama's "Proud of My Country" Comment Again Dismissed

Just a "rhetorical stumble" used by "conservative" bloggers and columnists to attack her as "unpatriotic."

There's Even Hope for Pro-McCain Oklahoma

Kirk Johnson: "Not a single county in Oklahoma stirred from the orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain, the senator from Arizona who was the Republican nominee....But that staunchly ...

Janet Napolitano, Obama's Brilliant Homeland Security Pick

Gushing over Obama pick Napolitano: "She is a 51-year-old self-described nerd who, despite a less-than-electrifying public persona, privately quotes lines from Monty Python movies, extols the ...

Rahm Emanuel's No Centrist

And is Barack Obama really "right-leaning" in comparison to anyone?

GOP in Trouble Again Over "Barack the Magic Negro"

Reporter Jason DeParle calls race-baiting Al Sharpton a "civil rights advocate" in a slanted story about a new controversy over Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" song parody.

The Myth of "Pragmatic" Clinton vs. "Incurious" George

Presenting Bill Clinton, the "pragmatic" president who pushed for overseas abortion funding and gays in the military.

Labeling Overload in Miami

Michael Cooper overdoses on "conservative" labels in a snide report from the Republican Governors Association meeting in Miami
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