Reporter Fernanda Santos hails anti-foreclosure tactics organized by the left-wing housing activist group ACORN by employing 60's-style sloganeering ("a budding resistance movement") and not a ...
A Times text box lauds Venezuelan President Chavez's "resilience" in winning a referendum ending term limits - but what of the strong-armed intimidation tactics leading up to the vote?
Zimbabwe's Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe has been called a "liberation hero" nine times by reporter Celia Dugger. She's never called him a "dictator."
NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller warned last week that the use of terms like "right-wing" when reporting on Israel could indicate a slanted report. So why does the phrase keep cropping up on its ...
After denying the possibility of winning in Iraq during the Bush years, the Times is suddenly having second thoughts: "This is what victory in the war in Iraq was supposed to look like...."
Plus, Keller unwittingly criticizes his paper's liberal slant: "To describe a politician as 'liberal' or 'conservative' (while almost always inexact) is generally neutral. To describe the same ...
Veteran reporter Jason DeParle criticizes welfare reform on Monday's front page, but has opposed it from the start: In 1996 he accused Bill Clinton of "seeking re-election with a bill that ...