
Rep. Chris Shays, Conservative? NYT Full of Labeling Slant

And in Colorado, "a drift toward socially conservative orthodoxy" made the Republican party a "tough sell to newcomers."

The Times Finds Conservative Strongholds Everywhere It Goes

Question for Times reporters: Is there any part of Missouri that's not a "conservative bastion"?

(Almost) Everyone Rejoice! Obama's Giving You a Tax Cut

Emphasizing Obama's populist appeal, while burying his tax hike for those making over $250,000 a year.

McCain Campaign "Stoking" Unjust Fears of Vote Fraud

Katharine Seelye: McCain's comments "threw another log onto a fire already burning in the conservative blogosphere and on talk radio..."

Scary Religious Conservatives Battling Gay Marriage in California

A "wind-whipped wildfire" of religious conservatives are battling gay marriage in California "in stunningly apocalyptic terms," reports Laurie Goodstein.

Gov. Palin's Scary "Spiritual Warfare"

Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein forwarded a story on Palin's religion that's been circulating on left-wing blogs and cites a website that ran an article calling the governor's beliefs ...

Bill Ayers an "Ex-Radical" Who "Hardly Resembled" an "Unrepentant Terrorist"

Colin Moynihan goes to see Ayers in Manhattan: "While describing his views on education and social justice, Mr. Ayers hardly resembled the unrepentant terrorist that his critics have sought to ...

McCain Hypocritically Goes After Obama's "Spread the Wealth" Gaffe

Reporter Michael Cooper, still protecting Barack Obama's left flank on taxes.

It's Official: Any Criticism of Obama Now Racially Suspect

The short version of Patrick Healy's piece: Every criticism a Republican makes against Obama, from saying he's "not one of us" to his relationship to Bill Ayers, is racially questionable.

Supreme Labeling Imbalance: Still No Liberals to Be Found

Patrick Healy's piece on the future of the Supreme Court is actually a sharp improvement over a previous Times story that labeled "conservatives" on 18 occasions and liberals not once.
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