
Score: Romney 1, McCain 0, NYT 0

"...if you get endorsed by The New York Times, you're probably not a conservative."

ElectionWatch: Hey Big Spender! Media Fail to Report Cost of Campaign Promises

Network coverage of presidential campaigns ignores the high price tag of many candidates' proposals for taxpayers.

Mocking Mitt, But Letting Sleeping Bill Lie

"Mitt Romney, whose 1950s manner and celebratory drink of choice call to mind a milkshake man more than a rap singer, gave a shout out Monday that left no doubt that he had spent little time ...

Slighting Romney's Win in Nevada While Pushing Hillary-Obama-McCain?

Did Mitt Romney's win in the Nevada Caucus get the attention it warranted?

How "Populist" Tax-Hiker Edwards Will Save Us from "Income Inequality"

Economics reporter David Leonhardt takes a shine to Edwards' "populist" (not liberal?) tax-raising rhetoric at the expense of Republican Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney's Hard Right Move?

"The question at this point is whether Mr. Romney jerked the wheel too hard to the right..."

Frank Rich: "White Supremacists" Love Huckabee's Immigration Stand

"But it just may be possible that the single biggest boost to the Obama campaign is not white liberal self-congratulation or the Clinton camp's self-immolation, but the collective nastiness of the ...

Proud Atheist Compares Saudi Arabia's Treatment of Adulterers to GOP on Gays

Eduardo Porter: "Belief in God too often spawns reasons to punish sinners - 'adulterers' in Saudi Arabia, gays for some Republican presidential candidates."

Double Standards on Osama-Obama Gaffes: Romney vs. Kennedy

Mitt Romney mixed up Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden, and the Times has fun. But what happened when Ted Kennedy did the same thing?

Times Enters Michael Moore Fantasyland with Criticism of Romney's Sons

Why didn't Mitt Romney send his own sons into Iraq?
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