
Chris Matthews: 'Shameless,' 'Nasty' Newt Gingrich Robs 'Joy and Humanity' Like Freddy Krueger

A frothing Chris Matthews on Thursday excoriated the "nasty," "shameless" Newt Gingrich for robbing "the political arena of joy and humanity." Matthews even compared Gingrich to horror movie ...

Newt Gingrich: He's No Mario Cuomo

Times political reporter Matt Bai on Newt: "Whatever can Newt Gingrich be thinking?...I mean, let's be unsparing about this: Mr. Gingrich has never been elected to anything outside his old ...

Chris Matthews Links Murder and Violence in Afghanistan to GOP 'Zealots at Home'

Chris Matthews on Monday's Hardball linked the "zealots" in Afghanistan who encouraged and participated in the murders of United Nations workers to Republican "fanatics" and "zealots at home" who ...

On Today: Scarborough Proclaims Republicans Are 'Afraid of Barack Obama'

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough appeared on Monday's Today show to deliver a forecast of doom for Republicans on the budget fight and their 2012 presidential prospects.

CBS Sees Too Much 'Personal Baggage' for Gingrich; Other GOP 2012 Candidates Unable to Match Obama Fund-Raising

Discussing the possibility of Newt Gingrich running for president in 2012, on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge touted "big negatives" for the former House speaker: "...baggage that ...

Matthews Rages: Newt Gingrich Looks Like A 'Car Bomber' Who 'Loves Torturing!'

Chris Matthews, once again, abandoned any notion he was serious about establishing a new tone of political civility in the wake of the Tucson shooting, as on Wednesday's Hardball he compared ...

George Stephanopoulos Frightens Viewers: Will GOP Put Americans at 'Risk' with ObamaCare Repeal?

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday used ominous Democratic talking points and pressed Newt Gingrich as to whether Republicans are willing to put uninsured Americans at "risk" ...

Inflammatory Democrat Alan Grayson, 'Liberal Folk Hero' of Congress

Defeated Democratic and "virtual-bomb-tosser" Alan Grayson gets a a rather fond send off in the Times and certainly doesn't get the Newt Gingrich treatment (the Times omits the "virtual" when ...

Matthews & Heilemann Label Toomey as 'Right-Leaning' & 'Pretty Conservative,' But No Label for Sestak

On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, as host Matthews asked the panel to predict the outcome of the Pennsylvania Senate election, he described Republican candidate Pat Toomey as ...
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