On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann delivered a "Special Comment" in which he invoked Nazi Germany and suggested that blocking construction of a mosque near Ground Zero could be ...
On Monday's Morning Joe, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski went out of their way to defend President Obama's Friday statement defending the planned mosque near Ground Zero in New York ...
NBC's Matt Lauer, suddenly turned into a deficit hawk, when he invited on Newt Gingrich on Tuesday's Today show, to discuss the GOP's refusal to extend unemployment benefits without paying for ...
The Washington Post's Colbert I. King is a regular TV commentator and a Pulitzer prize winner, but the column he churned out for Saturday's paper amounted to little more than a lazy ad hominem ...
NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Tuesday's Today show, in a segment breaking down today's primary races with Newt Gingrich, cited a possible Rand Paul win over Trey Grayson in the GOP Kentucky Senate ...
MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell on Friday went too far for even her colleagues at the liberal cable channel, receiving mockery for claiming Newt Gingrich made racially charged remarks about Barack Obama ...
In his latest column for the magazine, Newsweek senior Washington correspondent Howard Fineman scolded "disgraded or discarded" Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich, whose "ruthless" caricaturing ...
To hearty laughter from what sounded like anchor Wolf Blitzer (who would have a live mike, but listen and judge for yourself), CNN's Jack Cafferty on Tuesday afternoon asked on The Situation Room ...
MSNBC News Live host David Shuster railed against conservative "hypocrite" Newt Gingrich late Monday afternoon. Shuster derided: "Hey, Newt. When you embrace the empathy of a conservative judge, ...