
Times Promotes NJ Student Walkout As 'Silent Call to Arms'

Reporter Winnie Hu continues to push against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's fight against the teachers' unions: The protest offered "a real-life civics lesson that unfolded on lawns, sidewalks, ...

Washington Post Ties Iowa Protester to Violence, Even Though He Wasn't

Eli Saslow follows health care protester, links tea party and conservative protests to violence.

Times Finds Excuses for Lousy Rhode Island School, Hits President from Left for Supporting Teacher Dismissals

Even Barack Obama agrees with a Rhode Island school board that fired all its teachers, but the Times fires a warning shot from the left: "Officials at the two unions, the National Education ...

Fearing 'Raw, Fearsome' 'Unchecked Fervor' at Conservative Campus Protest Against Obama

Barack Obama is visiting conservative college campus Texas A&M, leading the Times to suddenly start caring about a college not embarrassing itself by disrespecting the president - a concern ...

Gay-Friendly Protest Coverage in Sharp Contrast to Sour Treatment of 9-12 Rally

The Times hypes the gay rights rally with optimistic crowd estimates and a positive tone quite unlike the paper's sour coverage of the much larger conservative rally of September 12. But how many ...

Pittsburgh Protest Promoters

Liberals suggest that conservative anger might lead to violence, but conservative protests are happy and lawful, while left-wing protests draw hundreds of arrests for violence and property ...

Modest Lefty Pittsburgh Protest Comparable to Huge Conservative Protest in D.C.?

Coverage of the leftists and anarchists protesting the Group of 20 meeting in Pittsburgh downplayed the violence in a headline implying peace ruled, and boasted of a crowd size of up to 4,000. Yet ...

CBS's Greenfield: Is Right-Wing 'Militancy' A Dilemma for GOP?

Reporting for CBS's Sunday Morning, political analyst Jeff Greenfield wondered about the impact of nationwide ant-Obama protests: "Does this new militancy on the Right pose an opportunity for the ...

Our "Intolerance Festival"

The media treated the 9/12 rally as a menacing surge of white anger, meanness, and racism. It illustrates one nagging truth for media liberals: they really don't think conservatives should be ...
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