
Media Coverage of the 9/12 Protests: A Report Card

Liberal Nets Acknowledge News Value of Anti-Obama Rally, but Much of the Coverage Is Antagonistic

Massive Conservative D.C. Protest Buried and Dismissed, But Smaller Liberal Rallies Hailed by NY Times

A conservative protest at the Capitol numbering in the tens of thousands was worth an unfavorable story on page 37 of Sunday's New York Times while a much smaller Obama rally got better placement, ...

CBS's Schieffer: Joe Wilson Shout 'Ugly Sign of Mindless Meanness'

At the end of Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer denounced South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson: "The irony of a congressman trying to heckle a President in the midst of a speech ...

MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters 'Racist,' Including Black Gun-Owner

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder ...

Double-Standard on Anti-ObamaCare "Mobs"

When Target Was GOP's Bush, Media Censored Radicals and Touted Protesters from "All Walks of Life"

Hypocrisy Flashback: Media Liberals Saluted Anti-Bush Dissent

With the Obama administration and their friends in the media denouncing the sometimes loud dissent that liberals are facing in town hall meetings on health care, it's worth recalling how some of ...

Gainor's Testimony on 'A New Age' for Newspapers

Newspapers are a dying breed because of technology and disappearance of neutrality in reporting.

Newt on G20 Protests: 'The Media is Always Happy to Cover the Anarchic and Violent Left'

Former House Speaker criticizes press for giving more attention to London G20 protests and ignoring bigger taxpayer tea party protests.

The Times Ignores March for Life for Second Year Running

A few dozen left-wing activists protesting Rev. Rick Warren were worthy of a Times story plus a large photo. But when tens of thousands marched in D.C. at the pro-life March for Life, they were ...
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