
Media Research Center

As Obama-Care Hits Supreme Court, New York Times Buries Unfavorable Poll Findings on A-17

There were strange priorities afoot in Tuesday's New York Times, which led with a poll story on falling support for the war in Afghanistan. Yet the paper buried a story from the same poll showing ...
Media Research Center

As Pope Draws Crowds in Cuba, NYT Suddenly Remembers Big Crowds Are Product of 'Intimidation,' 'Orchestration' and Coercion

The New York Times coverage of the Pope Benedict XVI's trip to the dictatorship of Cuba has a strange, cheap-shot emphasis on how Cuban crowds are coerced to attend such rallies, an ...
Media Research Center

ABC: Crusade Against Beef Costs 600 Jobs

Some journalists aren’t content with covering the news; they have to make it, too. That’s been ABC’s strategy as the network has led the charge against USDA-approved beef.
Media Research Center

Media Continue Anti-Religious Attacks on Tebow

Wherever devout Christian quarterback Tim Tebow goes, he is dogged by the hatred of those who cannot stand him or his faith.
Media Research Center

Even Good Episode for ‘GCB’ Has 20 Attacks on Christianity

“GCB” managed to dial down its cheap dialogue in March 25’s episode, but only barely. A “good” day for the “Good Christian” show still fired up to 20 shots on Christians and along with attacks ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Finally Notices: Women Like Rick Santorum

A condescending Times story by Susan Saulny provided a slight corrective to the paper's previous misleading coverage of Rick Santorum's appeal among women, but maintained the unsubstantiated ...

Only the NYTimes Gives Former Dem. Gov. Jon Corzine Benefit of the Doubt on MF Global Memo: 'No Smoking Gun'

The Times defends former New Jersey Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine from accusations of fraud as chief executive of the financial services firm MF Global: "At first, the revelation fueled speculation ...
Media Research Center

New York Times, Mouthpiece for Obama, Calls French Newspaper 'Mouthpiece' for President Sarkozy

Behold the irony: The New York Times' Paris-based reporter Scott Sayare says the newspaper Le Figaro is "a right-leaning daily newspaper that is increasingly viewed as a mouthpiece for [President ...
Media Research Center

Former SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Doesn't Bother With Obama-care Criticism, Questions 'Moral Compass' of Opponents

Linda Greenhouse, former New York Times Supreme Court reporter turned columnist, sneers that the constitutional arguments against the individual mandate of Obama-care are so "analytically weak" as ...
Media Research Center

Krugman Says GOP Lying About Obama Wanting Higher Gas Prices....But Obama Did in 2007

NYT's Krugman: "First, the lie: No, President Obama did not say, as many Republicans now claim, that he wanted higher gasoline prices....The claim that Mr. Obama wanted higher prices is a lie, ...
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