New York Times movie critic Jeannette Catsoulis doesn't even try to be fair to "October Baby," a pro-life movie: "...the film communicates in the language of guilt and fear....a vision of medical ...
New York Times columnist Gail Collins went on the Late Show with David
Letterman, ostensibly to discuss her biography of
President William Henry Harrison. But the first segment was entirely ...
Even as comedian and talk-show host Bill Maher appears in the New York Times by writing an op-ed and by making a $1 million donation to a pro-Obama SuperPAC, the Times ignores his history of ...
Even after the murderer in Toulouse is identified as a radical Islamist, the Times still can't let go of its attacks on French President Nicolas Sarkozy's for allegedly making anti-immigrant ...
Eduardo Porter laments: "Americans have never been too worried
about the income gap. The gap between the rich and the rest has been
much wider in the United States than in other developed ...
Reporter Steven Erlanger claims "No one is suggesting that the
French presidential campaign inspired a serial killer..." but then goes on do just that: "But
in a period of economic anxiety, ...
The New York Times, laboring under the false impression it
participated in George W. Bush's "rush to war" in Iraq, is pushing back
hard against the prospect of preemptive action against Iran's ...