New York Times reporter John Broder defends Obama to the hilt on his weak flank of high gas prices: "...Mitt Romney said that President Obama has sought higher gasoline and
energy prices and ...
New York Times contributor Sarah Hepola compares the feminist to civil rights martyr Martin Luther King: "History’s most formidable figures
have always been a tough act to follow, of course. ...
President Barack Obama recently pontificated on gas prices, the
broadcast networks listened, parroted his explanations of why gas prices
have more than doubled since he took office.
Times reporter Katharine Seelye's long profile of Rick Santorum was harsh on his principled stand as a U.S. senator in the case of Terry Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman whose feeding tube ...
Last year a New York Times political reporter praised Obama's hoops knowledge. This year a successful presidential pick made the sports section itself. The headline: "N.C. State, President's Pick, ...
Another phony New York Times story suggesting women's issues like abortion and contraception are hurting the GOP: Reporter Ashley Parker ignores inconvenient findings from the paper's own poll ...
Plus former executive editor Bill Keller admits to seeing a liberal slant among his staff, but says a balanced paper would be "tedious" to read, and at least some religions are acceptable targets ...
Anti-Romney guilt by association in a New York Times headline: "Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance." That would be Bain Capital, which has donated more to Democrats than ...