
Frank Rich Defends White America Against McCain-Palin's Racist Appeals

Frank Rich defends white Americans, now that they're supporting Obama: "Such human nuances are lost on conservative warriors of the Allen-McCain-Palin ilk. They see all Americans as only white or ...

The Nation Describes 'Rich Old White Men' as the 'Problem'

Liberal magazine cites New York Times-CBS News poll that labels annual income of $50,000 'rich' and over 45 'old.'

NYT: Everyone Loves Michelle Obama; Her "Proud" Gaffe Needs Context

Patrick Healy is quick to put Michelle Obama's "proud of America" gaffe in context and suggest it's a discredited charge. The Times didn't give Cindy McCain quite that kind of consideration.

Former Citigroup CEO: Unemployment Will Hit 9 Percent

Sanford Weill predicts 'biggest drop' in GDP; CBS Host doesn't mention ties to private equity fund.

McCain Campaign "Stoking" Unjust Fears of Vote Fraud

Katharine Seelye: McCain's comments "threw another log onto a fire already burning in the conservative blogosphere and on talk radio..."

UCLA Economists: Government Intervention Prolonged Great Depression

2004 study found FDR's 'misguided policies' delayed recovery.

Scary Religious Conservatives Battling Gay Marriage in California

A "wind-whipped wildfire" of religious conservatives are battling gay marriage in California "in stunningly apocalyptic terms," reports Laurie Goodstein.

NY Times Dismisses Growth in Dire '08 Outlook; Says Bush in 'Denial' about Economy

Other major newspapers are neutral or cautiously optimistic about economic predictions for 2008.

CNN: Raising Minimum Wage Leads to Job Growth

Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez sparks controversy with 'Your $$$$$' hosts by suggesting that minimum wage hikes hurt businesses.

Charles Barkley Predicts 'Reverse Bradley Effect'

Former NBA star says race will play role on Election Day, but thinks some may look beyond because Obama presidency benefits them economically.
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