
'Nightly News' Decries Wall Street Salaries, Hails FDR-Style Regulation

NBC segment warns of 'villagers with torches,' features liberal Rep. Barney Frank in attack on executive compensation.

Obama Camp Blasts Fox News, Drudge Report for Driving Socialism Complaints

Democrat spokesman statement and appears on 'America's Election HQ' to accuse outlets of 'trumping up' charges about redistributing wealth.

Time Magazine's Picture-Perfect Pitch of Obama

For all intents and purposes, the latest issue is a Barack campaign flyer.

CNN's King: 'Whining' Media 'Out of Touch' on Election Coverage

Network's chief political correspondent says media's 'obsession' with Clinton prevented thorough investigation of Obama.

Financial Times Endorses Obama Despite Economic Proposals

International business newspaper gives Democratic candidate high marks on judgment, health care.

Gov. Palin's Scary "Spiritual Warfare"

Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein forwarded a story on Palin's religion that's been circulating on left-wing blogs and cites a website that ran an article calling the governor's beliefs ...

CNN: Despite Economic Hype, It's Not the End of the World

Business correspondent notes decrease in gas prices, hike in Social Security benefits; advises people to live within their means.

CNN Host, Bush-Bashing Comedian "Hard to Place" on Political Spectrum

Neither the Times nor CNN's president Jon Klein remember new variety-show host D.L. Hughley's anti-Bush rants.

Bill Ayers an "Ex-Radical" Who "Hardly Resembled" an "Unrepentant Terrorist"

Colin Moynihan goes to see Ayers in Manhattan: "While describing his views on education and social justice, Mr. Ayers hardly resembled the unrepentant terrorist that his critics have sought to ...

McCain Attacks on "Obama's Patriotism" Making "Old Advisers Wince"

David Kirkpatrick on McCain: "His campaign has pelted his rival with attacks that make some of his old advisers wince, like questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism or tying him to 'a domestic terrorist.'"
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