10/22/2008 2:08 PM ET
Network poll gives Paulson low approval numbers, 'American Morning' cites liberal Soros in criticism.
10/22/2008 1:38 PM ET
Question for reporter Larry Rohter (pictured): If Biden says the exact same thing about an inexperienced Obama being tested by an international crisis on two consecutive days, just how ...
10/22/2008 9:22 AM ET
Broadcast and cable pundits decry socialist labeling of candidate's tax proposal, yet haven't offered alternative definitions.
10/22/2008 1:00 AM ET
Rather than investigate the candidate's relationship with William Ayers, establishment media are just repeating the campaign's talking points.
10/21/2008 3:44 PM ET
A tale of two mailings: One reporter revels in the the AFL-CIO's big political push against McCain, while another laments ", harsh anti-Obama literature in my mailbox."
10/21/2008 2:49 PM ET
Even Dan Rather recognizes it's a big story - but the Times buried it under a separate headline.
10/21/2008 12:02 PM ET
Liberal MSNBC host says McCain-Palin critique of wealth redistribution tax plan an effort to 'summon and stoke' the Bradley Effect.
10/21/2008 11:39 AM ET
Reporter Michael Cooper, still protecting Barack Obama's left flank on taxes.
10/21/2008 9:24 AM ET
'World News' segment praises Democrat's proposal focused on lower and middle class families, but ignores wealth redistribution elements.
10/21/2008 8:25 AM ET
Charles Blow (pictured) is awfully confident in a Barack Obama victory: "If I'm wrong, I'll take my crow with a six pack of Liquid-Plumr."