
CNN's Roberts Questions Treasury Secretary's Motives

Network poll gives Paulson low approval numbers, 'American Morning' cites liberal Soros in criticism.

GOP Taking Unfair Advantage of Biden's "Off-the-Cuff Remarks"

Question for reporter Larry Rohter (pictured): If Biden says the exact same thing about an inexperienced Obama being tested by an international crisis on two consecutive days, just how ...

Media Defend Obama Against 'Socialism' Charge

Broadcast and cable pundits decry socialist labeling of candidate's tax proposal, yet haven't offered alternative definitions.

Media Drink Obama's 8 Years Old Kool-Aid

Rather than investigate the candidate's relationship with William Ayers, establishment media are just repeating the campaign's talking points.

OK for AFL-CIO to Bash McCain, Yet Anti-Obama Mail Racially Suspect?

A tale of two mailings: One reporter revels in the the AFL-CIO's big political push against McCain, while another laments ", harsh anti-Obama literature in my mailbox."

The Times: No Nose for News on Biden's "International Crisis" Comment

Even Dan Rather recognizes it's a big story - but the Times buried it under a separate headline.

Maddow Claims Obama 'Socialist' Label is 'Racially Divisive'

Liberal MSNBC host says McCain-Palin critique of wealth redistribution tax plan an effort to 'summon and stoke' the Bradley Effect.

McCain Hypocritically Goes After Obama's "Spread the Wealth" Gaffe

Reporter Michael Cooper, still protecting Barack Obama's left flank on taxes.

ABC Cites Left-Leaning Tax Group to Endorse Obama's Plan

'World News' segment praises Democrat's proposal focused on lower and middle class families, but ignores wealth redistribution elements.

Columnist Blow Would Bet His Life on Obama Win

Charles Blow (pictured) is awfully confident in a Barack Obama victory: "If I'm wrong, I'll take my crow with a six pack of Liquid-Plumr."
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