
Time's 'Campaign Scorecard' Ignores Character Issues

The weekly political assessment leans heavily toward pro-Obama topics.

So Much for News: NYT Runs Three Gossip Items on Palin's Wardrobe

More vital info from the paper of record: "The blog,, fueled the speculation by e-mailing the Witthuhns a video of Ms. Kline, and Mr. Witthuhn said he was 'pretty sure it's her! ...

Bono to Pen Column for the Times Next Year

Hey, he's got to be better than Bruce Springsteen...

Predictable: NYT Endorses Obama. Pathetic: NYT Accuses McCain of Racism

Please: "Senator John McCain of Arizona has retreated farther and farther to the fringe of American politics, running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism."

Atlantic Blogger Highlights 'Giveaways' from 'Corporate Sellout' Biden

Megan McArdle says media giving a 'pass' to Obama by not 'trotting out' running mate's record.

Kids' Halloween Costumes Get Sexy

Marriage and family therapist missed an opportunity to speak on long-term effects of young girls dressing in inappropriate Halloween costumes on CBS's Early Show.

NY Times Film Reviewers Take On Marriage, Sort of

Two reviews of gay marriage films in one day, with a gay slasher film review tossed in.

WaPo: Conservatives Are Happier than Liberals

And it has something to do with personal responsibility, religion and marriage. Go figure

Media Scrutiny of Wardrobe-gate 'Eats Up' Another Day of Coverage

Media cover frivolous issue while refusing to dig deeper into Obama's past.

Sarah Palin's Clothing: Front-Page News

The hard-news Times even compiled a slide show of Palin's outfit, complete with snarky commentary: "But looking at the before-and-after photos, it was not readily apparent what Ms. Palin got from ...
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