Culture Articles

Media Research Center

Marvel's Agents of... Hydra?

SHIELD, terrorism, and Agent Ward goes bad.
Media Research Center

The Guardian: ‘Sex with Robots’ Should Be ‘Embraced’

Get ready for this depraved new world.
Media Research Center

New Climate Alarmist Tack: Go Green for God

HuffPo blames right-wing pundits for leading evangelicals away from warming gospel.
Media Research Center

Lady Gaga Resurrects Jesus, Simulates Sex in Music Video

Raunchy, irreverent and trying to be relevant.
Media Research Center

Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie

Filmmakers react to Kickstarter’s bias.
Media Research Center

Into Left Field: 5 of the Most Obnoxious Political Intrusions on Sports

Can’t we just watch our games?
Media Research Center

Kelly File: Gosnell Movie Fundraiser Rejected Because of ‘Baby Stabbing’ Description

Kirsten Powers discusses Gosnell movie fundraising double standard.
Media Research Center

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: The End of the Beginning

A fairly simple overlooked fact taints a good episode
Media Research Center

CNN, ESPN Writer Condemns Christians for Judging Gays

Asks, ‘Why can’t Christians be more like Pope Francis?’
Media Research Center

Gosnell Movie to Unveil the ‘Most Prolific Serial Killer’

Independent filmmaker raises funds to bypass Gosnell media censorship.
Media Research Center

Revenge: Some Bells Can't Be Unrung

Sometimes you can't take something back.
Media Research Center

NARAL Prez to Elle: ‘We Really Do Live in a Pro-Choice Country’

Wishful thinking from Ilyse Hogue.
Media Research Center

The Atlantic’s Abortion Doula: ‘Grief is Celebratory’

... and pro-lifers are strange, inscrutable creatures.
Media Research Center

Jon Stewart Takes Dishonest Shots at Hobby Lobby, Christians

‘Daily Show’ misrepresents facts, mocks faithful.
Media Research Center

FRC Plans #HobbyLobby Day March 29

Family Research Council urges Americans to stand with Christian crafts store.
Media Research Center

Psych Series Finale

Media Research Center

3 to 1: Nets quote Lib Over Conservative Justices in Hobby Lobby Reports

Evening broadcast filled reports with liberal justice quotes.
Media Research Center

Dishonest Abortion Activists Attack Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS

Protestors rally behind ‘War on Women’ lie.
Media Research Center

Dancing With the Stars Contestant Candace Cameron Bure Wows Audience With Rumba and Conservative Values

Dancing With the Stars contestant Candace Cameron Bure Wows Audience With Rumba and Conservative Values"I am a sexual woman but I want to reserve certain things for my husband"
Media Research Center

‘Bigotry Disguised as Freedom’: The LA Times, The Guardian, Daily Beast Vs. Hobby Lobby

Liberals fret over brand-new ‘rights’ while dismissing the First Amendment.
Media Research Center

Democrat Activist Alfre Woodard to Play POTUS in NBC Drama

Hillary, Obama supporter will star in new NBC drama with Katherine Heigl.  
Media Research Center

Elle Places NARAL President in 10 Most Powerful Women List

Calling your opponents un-American and agitating for the most extreme pro-abortion position doesn’t just get you attention of Daily Kos or Democratic Underground. It can get you props from a ...
Media Research Center

TIME Makes God a ‘She’ for PC History Month

Debbie Blue’s feminist fringe theology puts a dress on the Almighty.
Media Research Center

Marcotte Compares Abortion to Cavity Removal, Calls Babies ‘Time-Sucking Monsters’

Pro-lifers are ‘liars,’‘anti-choice kooks.’
Media Research Center

Ban ‘Bossy?’ Beyoncé Says ‘Bitch’ 9x in New Album

The Beyoncé hypocrisy shines through.
Media Research Center

NPR: Time to ‘Get Lucky’ for St. Paddy’s Day!

Stupid and tasteless: NPR focuses on the other ‘lucky.’