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Rake: Serial Killer
1/23/2014 11:49 PM ET
Rake gets off to a dissappointing start.
Pro-abortion activists outnumbered in abortion standoff at The ‘March for Life’
1/23/2014 5:08 PM ET
Approximately 20 pro-choice women face thousands of pro-life protestors at the Supreme Court
Thousands Brave Freezing Temps to ‘March for Life’
1/23/2014 4:39 PM ET
Differences of politics or religion could not stop thousands from standing together against abortion.
Networks Covered Baby Panda 6X More than March for Life
1/23/2014 3:22 PM ET
Fifty-five million aborted and ABC, CBS, NBC want to talk Bao Bao.
NY Times Still Ignoring CEO’s Link to BBC Pedophilia Scandal
1/23/2014 3:11 PM ET
Thompson ran Brit network before taking over Gray Lady.
Comedy in War?
1/23/2014 7:52 AM ET
"Enlisted," a new military comedy on FOX, discovers laughs among the troops. But is it too soon to be poking fun at a situation that is still a daily reality for many?
Pope Francis Sends Prayers to March for Life
1/22/2014 12:04 PM ET
Media may ignore massive annual gathering, but Pontiff doesn’t.
‘Gimme Shelter’: Film a Game Changer in Abortion Debate?
1/21/2014 4:41 PM ET
Film defies mainstream Hollywood with pro-life message, all-star cast.
‘Extreme Conservative’ Hating NY Gov Goes Panhandling in Hollywood
1/21/2014 3:06 PM ET
Left-Coast entertainment moguls fund Cuomo’s radical agenda.
The Blacklist: The Alchemist
1/21/2014 1:25 AM ET
The Blacklist: moles, gender roles, and less gruesome, grisly scenes.
Revenge: Hatred
1/20/2014 8:46 AM ET
Cold War style warfare between Emily and Daniel Grayson takes center stage.
The Critics Chose
1/17/2014 12:51 AM ET
Daily Beast: Cheat Your Way to True Love!
1/15/2014 4:03 PM ET
Lib site finds the bright side of infidelity.
MRC Plans 'March for Life' Documentary
1/15/2014 11:30 AM ET
Organization calls on pro-life movement to combat media censorship.
Supernatural: Making a Deal with the Devil
1/14/2014 10:45 PM ET
Media’s Favorite Lib Nun Blames Religion for War on Poverty Failing Women
1/14/2014 4:18 PM ET
In Maria Shriver’s feminist report, nun calls on religions to ‘repent’ for their treatment of women.
USA Today: Obama’s Contraception Mandate ‘Foolish,’ ‘Suspect’
1/14/2014 1:02 PM ET
Paper says administration ‘picked a fight’ with Little Sisters of the Poor.
Book: Christians Shown As ‘Hateful Stereotypes in Today’s Movies’
1/14/2014 11:38 AM ET
Author examines Christian downfall in films.
The Blacklist: The Good Samaritan Killer
1/14/2014 12:24 AM ET
Lesbian Foster Couple Drama Returns to 'Family' TV Network
1/13/2014 6:45 PM ET
Latest pro-gay program will restart with two women kissing in bed.
10 Best ‘Lone Survivor’ Takedowns of Lib Media
1/13/2014 4:13 PM ET
No wonder former SEAL Luttrell didn’t suffer Jake Tapper gladly.
Community: Return of the Ass Crack Bandit
1/10/2014 3:18 AM ET
Big changes come to Community, and an ass crack bandit.
Modern Family: And One to Grow On
1/9/2014 4:07 AM ET
Modern Family gets asked the hard-hitting question.
In Munoz Case, CBS’ O’Donnell Lone Media Voice for Life
1/8/2014 3:20 PM ET
Anchor defends unborn baby in tragic case of brain dead mother.
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: The Magical Place
1/8/2014 2:39 AM ET
Agent Coulson's mysterious ressurection is explained, which raises important ethical and power questions.
Racy Rev: MSNBC’s Sharpton Mentions Race 215 Times in ’13
1/7/2014 9:51 AM ET
The year in black and white on ‘Politics Nation.’
Feminist Film: Violence Caused by (Surprise!) Masculinity
1/6/2014 2:48 PM ET
Documentary says mass shootings, mental illness result of culture’s obsession with ‘male talk.’
Revenge: Homecoming
1/5/2014 11:33 PM ET
Three fights in this episode of Revenge are ranked.
The Big Bang Theory: The Hesitation Ramification
1/3/2014 6:25 AM ET
The Big Bang Theory makes a surprisingly poignent comment on society.
Networks Skirt Tying Russian Bombings to Islam
12/31/2013 3:24 PM ET
ABC, NBC, and CBS never mention ‘Islamic terrorists.’
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