Culture Articles

Media Research Center

CNN’s Tapper on Gosnell Interview: ‘Is He a Mad Man?’

The media are finally taking the hint: Kermit Gosnell is a figure worthy of attention.
Media Research Center

Modern Family: A Modern Classic

A critical look at Modern Family's positive take on gay marriage.
Media Research Center

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Ignorance Is Bliss?

The premier of S.H.I.E.L.D. wrestles with the idea of who needs to know.
Media Research Center

Media Censor 40 Days for Life

As thousands gather across the world in a campaign against abortion, one group will likely remain absent: the media.
Media Research Center

How I Met Your Mother Disappoints in Final Season Premier

How I Met Your Mother season premier falls well short of a bang up job.
Media Research Center

The Blacklist Gets a Gold Star

The premiere of The Blacklist teases and impresses.
Media Research Center

90% of Top Newspaper Headlines Censor Islam in Nairobi, Pakistan Attacks

Dare a top newspaper journalist to play connect-the-dots and chances are he’ll fail miserably – at least with drawing the line between Islam and terrorism. In Nairobi, Kenya last weekend, ...
Media Research Center

‘After Tiller’ Abortionist: Women Abort ‘to Be Good Mothers’

HuffPost Live gushes over late-term Abortionist Susan Robinson.
Media Research Center

The Guardian: ‘Thoroughly Rational’ Women Choose Sex-Selective Abortions

Columnist asserts ‘It doesn’t matter why any woman wants to end her pregnancy.’

Suits: Relationships 101

A few lessons on how to have a functional relationship
Media Research Center

Fem Site Showcases Illegal Abortionist

With the tide of popular opinion and state law running against them, abortion absolutists are turning to saviors (Wendy “Pink Tennis Shoes” Davis) and martyrs like the one profiled recently on the ...
Media Research Center

New ‘American Horror Story:’ Witch Kills With Genitalia

Taissa Farmiga describes her ‘Zoe’ character.
Media Research Center

Burn Notice: Redemption and Forgiveness

Michael Westen searches for forgiveness in the series finale.
Media Research Center

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Suits shows its brilliance and it's folly in two minutes

Mistresses: Season Finale

The season finale of Mistresses arrives with cliched drama and poor choices.
Media Research Center

Cyrus Video Takes another ‘Wrecking Ball’ to Hannah Montana

Infamous photographer directs naked video.  
Media Research Center

Under the Dome: From Liberty to Anarchy to Tyranny

As the storyline progresses, freedom in Chester's Mill fades away.
Media Research Center

Maher to Businessweek: I Dealt Pot to Fund College

Comic calls Obama ‘pothead.’

Burn Notice Builds the Drama

Bun Notice builds the drama the right way, scene by scene
Media Research Center

Under the Dome: The Monarch's Time is Near

Big Jim and Barbie find themselves at odds, as the reason for the dome draws one step closer to being revealed.
Media Research Center

Camp: Almost Over, Still No Redeeming Qualities

NBC's Camp continues to hype sex at the expense of a plot.
Media Research Center

Hollywood Reporter: Sexual Infidelity ‘Fall TV’s Hottest Topic’

‘The lure of infidelity’ preoccupying TV’s creative talent.  
Media Research Center

Suits: Ethics? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Ethics

The murder trial of Eva Hessington goes poorly so the lawyers at Pearson Darby Spector go with an ethically questionable Hail Mary.
Media Research Center

Mistresses: When One Door Closes...

Despite the filth, Mistresses surprises us this week with some positive reinforcements for rational behavior and good morals.
Media Research Center

Days Before 9/11 Anniversary, 94% of Stories Don’t Mention Al Qaeda In Syria

ABC, CBS and NBC largely ignore terrorists among anti-Assad forces.
Media Research Center

Media’s New Mania: Transfixed by Transgender

Normalizing sex identity confusion is ‘the next civil-rights struggle.’