The Best of Notable Quotables; December 19, 1994
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 19, 1994
- Sore Losers Award
- Honey, I shrunk the Democratic Party
- Oliver Stone
- I Still Hate Reagan
- Apolitical Observers
- Media Hero
- Flatliner Award
- Rodney Dangerfield
- Politics of Meaninglessness
- Clinton Enemies
- You're No Anita Hill
- No Money Down
- Good Morning Morons
- Damn Conservatives
- Iron Curtain Award
- Which Way Is It?
- Dumbest Quote of the Year
- 1994 Award Judges
No Money Down Award (for Excusing the Clintons’ Financial Scandals)
happened was a riveting hour and 12 minutes in which the First Lady
appeared to be open, candid, but above all unflappable. While she
provided little new information on the tangled Arkansas land deal or her
controversial commodity trades, the real message was her attitude and
her poise.”
– Time reporter Michael Duffy, May 2 news story on Hillary Clinton’s press conference on her commodities dealings.
been re-zoned back into the stratosphere. And when you watch that
[commodities press conference], you just wonder why they waited so long.
She’s at least as good a communicator as her husband, and people have
said about Clinton, ‘If you’ve got Elvis let him sing.’ Well, I don’t
know what the analogy is, this was Streisand...For anybody except the
Whitewater fanatics, this was an A-double-plus in both categories [style
and substance].”
– Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift on The McLaughlin Group,
April 23.
“But Whitewater so far is a parody of a political
scandal, full of sound and fury, signifying next to nothing. If it walks
like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a...turkey.”
– Newsweek
Senior Editor Jonathan Alter, August 8 issue.
“The beauty of the
special counsel is that he or she has to prove criminal wrongdoing, and
not only criminal wrongdoing, but criminal intent, and I think, you
know, everyone is certain that doesn’t exist with the Clintons.”
Newsweek reporter Eleanor Clift on The McLaughlin Group, January 15.