The Best of Notable Quotables; December 19, 1994
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 19, 1994
- Sore Losers Award
- Honey, I shrunk the Democratic Party
- Oliver Stone
- I Still Hate Reagan
- Apolitical Observers
- Media Hero
- Flatliner Award
- Rodney Dangerfield
- Politics of Meaninglessness
- Clinton Enemies
- You're No Anita Hill
- No Money Down
- Good Morning Morons
- Damn Conservatives
- Iron Curtain Award
- Which Way Is It?
- Dumbest Quote of the Year
- 1994 Award Judges
Which Way Is It?
Iran-Contra Report Castigates Reagan
Impeachment ‘Should Have Been Condiered,’ Prosecutor Says
– Washington Post, January 19
Iran-Contra inquiry clears Reagan, Bush
Walsh alleges cover-up by top aides
– Boston Globe, same day
had their best performance in months this week, on news of sustained
growth with negligible inflation, and the job picture is good as well.
But does the President get credit? No.”
– ABC reporter Jack Smith, August 28 This Week with David Brinkley.
“The recovery of the 1990s does not seem to be translating into better living standards. Wages are generally flat, job creation last month slowed, and the new jobs are often low-pay, dead-end service jobs, roughly one-fifth of them with temporary agencies.”
– Jack Smith, same show, one week later.