The Best of Notable Quotables; December 23, 1991
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 23, 1991
- Gomer Pyle Award
- Peter Arnett Award
- Iron Curtain Award
- Gulf War
- Media Hero Award
- Willie Horton Award
- Damn Conservatives
- Armand Hammer Award
- Real Reagan Legacy
- Long Dong Silver Award
- Thurgood Marshall Award
- Borking Award
- Wilson-Weicker Award
- Which Way Is It?
- Silliest Analysis
- Quote of the Year
- 1991 Award Judges
Willie Horton Award (for Sophisticated Political Analysis)
don’t yell ‘nigger’ or ‘Jew boy’ anymore. They’ve learned
better...[Duke] traded in his bigoted rhetoric for a slick new glossary
of coded appeals to racial resentment, market tested over the past two
decades by mainstream conservative politicians.”
– Time Washington reporter Dan Goodgame, November 25 news story.
Atwater] was a scoundrel, one of the darkest figures to dominate our
recent politics, a man with a comprehensively cynical view of his fellow
creatures....He made it in the most improbable way, learning to dress
at Brooks Brothers and keep his funky white trash wickedness too....In
running campaigns that played on racial divisions, he was something
worse than a bigot; he was a man who pretended to be a bigot in hope
that it would sell.”
– Washington Post op-ed by reporter Marjorie
Williams, March 30.
“I think that he [Thomas] had the advantage
of prime time on Friday night. He had everything going for him. The
Democrats did not ask him tough questions about the facts of her charge
and they did, the Republicans did a great job of hammering her. It’s
basically what happened in the ‘88 campaign. The Republicans know how to
fight dirty.”
– NBC congressional reporter Andrea Mitchell, October 15