The Best of Notable Quotables; December 23, 1991
Table of Contents:
- The Best of Notable Quotables; December 23, 1991
- Gomer Pyle Award
- Peter Arnett Award
- Iron Curtain Award
- Gulf War
- Media Hero Award
- Willie Horton Award
- Damn Conservatives
- Armand Hammer Award
- Real Reagan Legacy
- Long Dong Silver Award
- Thurgood Marshall Award
- Borking Award
- Wilson-Weicker Award
- Which Way Is It?
- Silliest Analysis
- Quote of the Year
- 1991 Award Judges
Armand Hammer Memorial Award (for Foreign Reporting)
short of soap, so there are lice in the hospitals. It’s short of
pantyhose, so women’s legs go bare. It’s short of snowsuits, so babies
stay home in winter....The problem isn’t communism; nobody even talked
about communism this week. The problem is shortages.”
– NBC’s John Chancellor on the Soviet Union, Aug. 21.
nothing else, the Cuban revolution has eliminated abject need. The cost
may be generalized poverty and zero political pluralism, but, even with
shortages, there is no starvation here. Education and medical care are
assured for all. And, unlike in most of Latin America, you don’t see
naked or even shoeless children in the streets. When Castro speaks of
the need to defend the gains of revolution, he means a level of social
welfare rare in the underdeveloped world.”
– Washington Post Asst.
Foreign Editor Don Podesta, April 28 “Outlook” article.
Cubans increasingly see themselves as the last idealists in a world that
cares only about money....Ninety miles away in Miami, Cuban emigres
wish for Fidel’s imminent collapse, but the island’s university students
who volunteer to take a two-week ‘vacation’ in the fields don’t see
trouble brewing in Paradise.”
– Time reporter Cathy Booth, August 12