The Best of Notable Quotables; December 24, 1990

Vol. Three; No. 26

The Real Reagan Legacy Award

"It will take 100 years to get the government back into place after Reagan. He hurt people: the disabled, women, nursing mothers, the homeless."

-- White House reporter Sarah McClendon in USA Today, February 16.


"Now the lessons of Iran-Contra are also clear. We have learned this: that a President who lies to Congress and to the people will feel free to joke about it. A Vice President who lies to Congress and to the people will be elected President. A White House aide who lies to Congress and to the people will be hailed as a hero until the time for a reckoning comes...An administration, in short, that lies to Congress and to the people is the accepted order of things. And a Constitution designed to prevent exactly that order is a mere scrap of paper."

-- PBS’ Bill Moyers writing in the January 1990 issue of The Progressive.

"Okay, Democrats are certainly not without blame. But I believe the S&L crisis lands right at the Republican door. It was the magic of the marketplace that took off the regulations...Oh, Ronald Reagan and the magic of the marketplace was the theme of the ‘80s. Greed in this country is associated with Ronald Reagan."

-- Newsweek reporter Eleanor Clift on Face the Nation, July 29.